Detection Technology Inc.
Detection Technology (Nasdaq: DETEC) is a global provider of X-ray imaging subsystems and components for medical, security and industrial applications. Detection Technology’s net sales totaled EUR 43 million in 2015. The company has around 160 active customers in 40 countries. Detection Technology employs 340 people in Finland, China and the US. The company’s shares are listed on the Nasdaq First North Finland market place.
- +1 978 362 8921
- Elektroniikkatie 10
Oulu, FI-90590
Linear Array Detector Cards
X-Card 0.2 to 2.5mm
A product family of high performance linear X-ray detector cards with preamplifier ASICs. The preamplifier ASIC converts the charge output from the photodiode array into voltage with serial output for easy integration with readout electronics. Can be arranged end-to-end to form large linear detector arrays.
Scalable Detector Module
Off-the-shelf, easily scalable detector module speeding up time-to-market and lowering total costs of the highest-tier volumetric CT systems.
X-Ray Line Camera
X-Scan C
Slim, plug-and-play-type, water-resistant X-ray line cameras for harsh industrial environments.
X-Scan P
Easily customized dual-energy linear array detector series with the most accurate material separation capability and fast scanning speed.
X-Scan T
The X-Scan T series is a product family of TDI (Time Delay Integration) technology-based X-ray line cameras that are optimized for demanding industrial environments.
16-Slice Detector
X-ACE 16
The industry’s first standard16-slice detector solution forvalue medical CT imaging.
32-Slice Detector
X-ACE 32
The industry’s first standard32-slice detector solution formainstream medical CT imaging.
Aurora XS
Almost everything is extra small in the Aurora XS, except innovativeness and reliability. With its smart features, it enables rapid time-to-market of cost-effective urban security X-rays. Make a big impact with the Aurora XS.
X-Scan U
X-Scan U series based on the novel digital platform improves image quality, increases maximum scanning speed and saves the overall system cost of industrial in-line and off-line nondestructive testing (NDT) of tires. X-Scan U series is an enhanced product family of U-shaped X-ray line cameras developed and optimized specially for high-speed digital tire inspection utilizing panoramic X-ray sources.
Digital X-ray Detector
Aurora is a product family of digital X-ray detector solutions powering all security and a variety of industrial line-scanners. The product family consists of a wide range of stand-alone detectors, and all needed building blocks, like ready-made detector boards, modules and readout electronics, for end-to-end systems. Aurora provides superior image quality and a fully digitalized data path in the most robust, modular and easily scalable platform. It is a plug-and-play type solution speeding up time-to-market and delivering total cost savings.