Witte Software
Modbus software developer.
- support2012@modbustools.com
- Marianevej 87
Skive, 7800
Modbus Master TCP/IP Component for .NET
WSMBT is a powerful and simple to use .Net component that makes it easy to access data from a Modbus slave device connected to the PC's Ethernet network. Simply drop the component on your form and talk to your device with your VB.NET, C# or Managed C++.
Modbus Simulator
Modbus Slave
Modbus Slave is for simulating up to 32 slave devices in 32 windows!. Speed up your PLC programming with this simulating tools. Start programming and test before you receive your slave device from supplier.
Modbus Simulator & Tester
Modbus Poll
Modbus Poll is a Modbus master simulator designed primarily to help developers of Modbus slave devices or others that want to test and simulate the Modbus protocol. With the multiple document interface you can monitor several Modbus slaves and/or data areas at the same time. For each window you simply specify the Modbus slave ID, function, address, size and poll rate.