WinTECH Software Design
WinTECH Software provides high quality low-cost software solutions to aid the design and maintenance of Industrial Automation communications systems.
- (304) 645-5966
- P.O. Box 907
Lewisburg, WV 24901
Data Link Monitor
Listen32 is a 32-bit version of Listen which includes all the above features plus the ability to launch and monitor communications from separate Win32 processes without being physically connected to the serial cable. It operates much like the Socket Spy applications, hooking the communications API within Windows by launching a target application using the Win32 Debugger API.
Modbus Slave Simulator
ModSim32 is a very simple but powerful application for simulating data from modbus slave devices. ModSim is an MDI application which allows you to define multiple blocks of data points which may then be accessed from a connected modbus master.
WinSock Trace / Debug Utilities
The Socket Spy programs are Trace/Debug utilities used for monitoring WINSOCK API references between an application and the Windows Sockets Dynamic Link Library. Socket Spy/16 operates under Windows 3.1 and is fully compatible with the WinSock Ver 1.1 standard.
Modbus Master Data Scanner
ModScan is a Windows application which operates as a modbus master. It allows you to access and change data points in a connected slave device using either the RTU or ASCII Transmission mode. ModScan is ideally suited for quick and easy compliance testing of the modbus protocol and its built-in display of serial traffic allows effective troubleshooting of field connections.
A Serial Data Link Monitor for Windows
Listen is a Data Link monitor designed to assist debugging & troubleshooting serial communications links. Listen utilizes standard Windows COM port drivers to tap into RS-232 transmit signals for monitoring bi-directional communications between two devices.