EMC Instruments Corporation
EMC Instruments corporation was founded in AD 2009, a full range of products for system integration of EMC test equipment company, R & D development team has the expertise and technical experience and provide a customized service demand, the project includes a full range of EMI / EMS / RF test equipment with neighboring sell and repair, RF test periphery, EMI near-field antenna, medieval instruments and equipment ... for our customers to provide a complete test system, safe and stable working conditions, to achieve hundred percent efficient, well received by all levels of trust and certainly schools, technology companies, research institutions, the establishment of a professional and positive reputation services to achieve sustainable development.
- (+ 886) -03-3286-998
- (+ 886) -03-3288-376
- sales@emci.com.tw
- 1F,No.8,Lane38,
WenSan 3rd street Kwei-Shan Hsiang
Taoyuan Hsien, 33381
Comb Generator
CG 50/500
The main application of Conducted Comb Generator is to quickly verify conducted emissions test setups. And the most important application is trouble conducted measurements using an ISN. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators
Comb Generator
The main application of comb generator is to quickly verify 1GHz above radiated emission and conducted emission test setup.And the most important application is 3m chamber and 10m chamber 1GHz above to18GHz with 250MHz frequency spacing for site validation,shielding efficiency. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators
Comb Generator
The main application of Comb Generator is to quickly verify conducted emissions test setups. And the most important application is trouble shooting Open Area Test Sites(OATS).An OATS must be completely calibrated before it is put into service. reference signal source Noise Generators Signal Generators