TECHNO-AC is a producer of cable and pipe locators, water leak detectors, unique tracing transmitters, thermometers (for temperature measuring of liquid, dry substances, air, gas, solids, relative humidity of air - gas substances) and hygrometers.
- +7 (4966) 15-1359
- +7 (4966) 15-1690
- 406 Oktyabrskoi Revolutsii Str
Kolomna, Moskow Region 140402
Russian Federation
Cable Fault Location Equipment
Cable fault location by electromagnetic and acoustic methods (with high-voltage pulse transmitter, which is not included into the set)Detection of insulation deterioration on cables by contact and non-contact methods
Cable and Pipe Locating Equipment
The most advanced locating kit combining the functions of three devices: cable locator, water leak detector, non-metal pipe locator. Features AP-027 receiver, powerful transmitter and special impact device for the detection of non-metal pipelines.
Water Leak Detection Equipment
Find and pinpoint leaks on a water network under paved and unpaved surfacesPrevent unnecessary excavation worksLocate the leak at valves and hydrants, in water pipes of small diameters and in hard-to-reach places by using special extra toolsIsolate parasitic noise and focus on the potential leak sound