Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
STS has established itself as a leading edge one-stop solution provider in the area of Specialty Assembly, Reliability, Qualification, Electrical Test & Product Screening.
- (408) 432 1790
- (408) 432 7350
- 801 Buckeye Court
Milpitas, CA 95035
United States
ASIC Testing
Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
As ASIC designs increasingly become more complex, so does the testing process—in fact, it can even be the bottleneck that constrains the total design cycle time and therefore impacts time to market. Effective and accurate testing requires in-depth knowledge of the hardware design itself as well as the software skills to conceive and create the appropriate test programs.
High-Speed Digital Testing
Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
High-speed devices create significant challenges for functional testing, for example, the need for high-bandwidth interfacing to maintain signal integrity at multi-gigabits per second data rates and the ability to measure high-speed bit error rate and jitter. STS brings extensive experience in high-speed functional testing for commercial, military and aerospace devices to meet the most stringent customer requirements. Our highly integrated testing laboratory and efficient workflow are designed with one goal in mind: to shorten time-to-market and enhance our customers’ ability to compete.
Wafer Test
Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
Most foundries provide wafers already probed to a set of DC parameters at room temperature to ensure they meet a basic subset of the package-part specification. Beyond this basic set of tests, more rigorous testing is often needed to meet specifications requiring die to be 100 percent probed, identify and segregate devices with higher performance levels and guarantee that parts will perform to a certain specification level.
FPGA Testing
Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
The secret to our success in the FPGA testing field is the STS hammer file, a proprietary test methodology based on our experience testing thousands of unique FPGA designs. The hammer file is designed to program the FPGA to its maximum combination and block configuration and then tests the completely programmed FPGA for full dynamic, DC and at-speed AC performance. Power and transient tests are also conducted under worst-case populated configurations. Application-specific usage configurations are also used to assist in generating the worst-case electrical specification limits at worst-case environmental use.
RF Testing
Silicon Turnkey Solution, Inc.
Once largely confined to military and aerospace, radio frequency (RF) today has become the underlying technology for a wide range of consumer, industrial, and medical products. Like their military-aerospace counterparts, commercial RF applications require exceptional quality but with different competitive economics.