Qualmark Corporation
Qualmark Corporation was founded in 1991 as a specialty manufacturer of accelerated stress equipment. A product line of ESPEC.
- 888-425-8669
303-254-8800 - 303-254-8343
- 10390 East 48th Avenue
Denver, CO 80238
United States
HALT / HASS Chamber
Typhoon 3.0
The Typhoon 3.0 is specifically designed to help the customer who is performing low volume HASS and needs a chamber with a 36" x 36" vibration table. It is also ideal for performing HALT on mid-sized and larger products.
HASS Chamber
Typhoon 8.0
The Typhoon 8.0 doubles the width of our popular Typhoon 4.0 chamber. The thermal system in the Typhoon series has been carefully engineered to have superior thermal efficiency.
Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
Thousands of companies embrace Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) to rapidly improve the reliability of their electronic product designs. Conducting HALTs early in the product development process are most beneficial, as reliability can most easily be improved early in the development process. Qualmark's new Portable HALT System is a cost effective, portable solution that is available for purchase or lease to utilize in, or near, product development groups. Qualmark's Portable HALT System provides an easy to use solution with Ethernet/WiFi options to allow for remote monitoring by development teams. This entry-level HALT System features a quiet, vibration-isolated, and easy to use system for virtually all development teams, University, R&D, and Reliability Labs
HALT system
Typhoon Inferno
Qualmark's Inferno is a HALT system specifically configured for testing the durability of instrumentation, tools and electronics that will face harsh environments - such as oil and gas exploration. The Inferno can deliver a combination of +250C to -100C temperatures, over 60 gRMS , multi-axis, with 6 degrees of freedom vibration in a matter of minutes. Exposing products to such extremes rapidly reveals design and manufacturing flaws missed by traditional reliability testing methods dramatically reducing the time line for new product introduction and substantially extending product design margins.
HALT / HASS Chamber
Typhoon 2.5 Inferno
Qualmark's Inferno series has been specifically designed for accelerated testing of sophisticated devices that are destined for harsh operating environments. Our Infernos combine extreme thermal capability (+250C to -100C) with 6 degree of freedom random vibration to provide the stimulation necessary to analyze design weaknesses and extend operational margins for mechanisms expected to withstand severe physical hardships.
HALT Chamber
Typhoon 1.5
The Typhoon 1.5, with its 18" x 18" vibration table, is perfect for performing Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) on small products, or where limited lab space is available. This compact system is built using Qualmark's Typhoon system technology which delivers impressive thermal performance, six-degree-of-freedom repetitive-shock vibration, and is highly efficient in LN2 usage and power consumption.
HALT / HASS Chamber
Typhoon 2.5 Plus
Qualmark's NEW Typhoon 2.5 Plus is a popular chamber with a 30"x 30" vibration table. This table size is good for Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) applications and many Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) applications. The table can be mounted in an upper or lower position, to suit different product and ergonomic requirements.
HALT Chamber
Typhoon 2.0
The Typhoon 2.0, with its 24" x 24" vibration table, is perfect for performing Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) on small products, or where limited lab space is available. This compact system is built using Qualmark's Typhoon system technology which delivers impressive thermal performance and six-degree-of-freedom repetitive-shock vibration, and is highly efficient in LN2 usage and power consumption.
HASS / HALT Chamber
Typhoon 4.0 PLUS
This system is designed specifically for the task of performing Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) and HALT on large products. With the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership within the AST industry, the 48" x 48" vibration table is capable of supporting hundreds of pounds of products and fixturing, and delivers more energy in the lower frequency ranges necessary to stimulate failures in these large products.
Vibration Table Top system
The OVTT, Omni-Axial Vibration Table Top system, is the first, stand-alone, compact, repetitive-shock vibration system on the market. The OVTT 18 system is ideal for No Fault Found (NFF) precipitation screens of field returns, repair verification and random vibration test of small products. The OVTT 18 utilizes Qualmark's patented six-degree-of-freedom vibration technology and is designed with reduced air requirements and low noice levels. The OVTT 18 system can be easily configured for placement inside a thermal chamber for combined stress tests.
Vibration Table Top, series
The OVTT, OmniAxial Vibration Table Top, series introduced the first stand-alone, compact, repetitive-shock vibration system on the market and features Qualmark's patented six-degree-of freedom vibration technology. The OVTT24 system provides 77% more table surface area than the OVTT 18 which makes it an ideal tool for in-production-line, broadband spectrum vibration testing of product. It is also ideal for quick evaluation of field returns, repair verification and random vibration testing of multiple small products and can be configured for placement inside a thermal chamber for combined stress tests.