Sciospec Scientific Instruments specializes in solutions for electrical impedance spectroscopy, impedance tomography, electrophysiological and electrochemical techniques. Primary applications are bio-analytics, medical research, material science and component testing.
- +49 3425 88399 00
- Leipziger Str. 43b
Bennewitz, 04828
Impadence Measurement on Multielectrode Arrays
Well established in electro-physiological research the standard form factor multielectrode arrays (MEAs) are one of the go-to standards when it comes to impedance measurements on cell cultures.
Full Performance and Flexibility on ECIS 8 Well Arrays
Sciospec ECIS Adapter
The ECIS CULTUREWARE 8 well arrays are a very common choice for a broad range of impedance-based cell experiments like cell groth, cell migration, wounding/healing, barrier function, tox-screening, adhesion and proliferation studies. With the Sciospec ECISadapter you can bring your ECIS experiments to the next level: more speed, higher resolution, more possibilities. Harness the full power of Sciospec impedance analyzers on your existing ECIS arrays. The ECISadapter just plugs into compatible Sciospec impedance analyzers like the ISX-3 and you´re good to go.
Impedance Analyzers
Sciospec stands for Electrical Impedance at its Best. Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy has been our core technology ever since. In the past years we have developed a scalable and flexible technology plaform that allows for precise, customizable, yet cost-effective lab-bench impedance analyzers. Choose between our three standard instruments, add some powerful options and enjoy an impedance analyzer that perfectly fits for your application.
Electrical Impedance Tomography
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imaging technique that visualizes conductivity or impedance distributions both in 2D and in 3D. Sciospec is partnering with world leading scientists in the field to deliver solutions that enable using EIT both in research and in practical applications.
Potentiostat And Galvanostat Portfolio
We are not a typical lab instrument manufacturer. With Sciospec it´s all about the technology platform underneath the instruments. Everything you see in our product portfolio can be customized to your needs, scaled up as further than you thought possible, migrated from lab to field use systems and combined freely with everything else we have in the platform.
Sciospec Multiplexers
Ranging from 32 to 256 and more channels these multiplexers are the perfect choice for impedance measurements in any sequential multichannel setup. With constraint free any-to-any port assignments you can configure any 2, 3 or 4 port combination you need. The innovative SC98 connection standard gives you full flexibility for connecting to your application.