AMO, Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mikro- und Optoelektronik mbH, is your partner in the area of nanofabrication, Test&Measurement and ASIC Verification. We support you with tailor-made products, focused research & development and the entire infrastructure required for nanotechnology and high end data acquisition and processing.
- +49 (0) 241 – 8867 200
- +49 (0) 241 – 8867 560
- Otto-Blumenthal-Straße 25
Aachen, 52074
High Performance UV Nanoimprint Resist
UV Nanoimprint is a mechanical molding technique. A template made from quartz or a flexible elastomer with a 3D relief is brought into intimate contact with a UV-curable resist spin-coated on top of a substrate. Applying low imprint pressure at room temperature features are filled within seconds due to the low viscosity of the imprint resist. The resist is hardened via UV-light through the backside of the template. Finally substrate and template are separated. The replicated resist relief can further be transferred into the substrate via RIE-process or used as functional element.
Interference Lithography Gratings
Interference lithography is an optical nanolithography technology for the fabrication of extensive periodic nanostructures. Critical dimensions of less than 50 nm can be realized. At AMO two interference lithography tools are installed. One setup for extensive, high quality gratings with fixed periods, the other more flexible tool allows quick prototyping. We offer grating fabrication on silicon, silicon dioxide and other substrates with tailored pitch, etch depth and size.