NordiaSoft offers products and services for those who need to create state of the art software-defined platforms as used in the telecommunications, aerospace, radar, electronic warfare, robotics, transportation and instrumentation domains
- +1-819-307-0333
- 130, rue Jean Proulx. Gatineau
Québec, J8Z 1V3
eCo Inspector
NordiaSoft eCo Inspector offers a runtime view of the SCA system design. This introspection tool provides multiple views to allow developers to visualize the software structure of any SCA compliant platform. Using tree views and block diagrams, engineers can see where each application component is running. It also represents the relationships between application and platform components.
Software Communications Architecture (SCA) Development Environment
NordiaSoft products enable embedded systems developers to rapidly create software artifacts using the Component Based Development (CBD) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE) paradigms. Implementing the Software Communications Architecture (SCA), an open specification adopted internationally and evolved through the Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnF), a consortium of major radio manufacturers, academic, research laboratories and government authorities, the NordiaSoft products provide multiple advantages over other commercially available solutions for embedded systems: