EIIT with its large ATEs’ development experience, a highly qualified team and state-of-the-art infrastructure, offers products and services of the highest quality in the competitive world of turnkey solutions and test engineering.
- +34 918904614
- Camino Robledo de Chavela, 9-B
Valdemorillo - Madrid, 28210
Universal Off-Line Handler
OLS Series
Developed as an economical and versatile solution, it adapts to any offline test application - ICT (In Circuit Test), ISP (Flashing) or FCT (functional). The design of this solution allows the quick and ergonomic change of fixtures , with a change time of less than 3 minutes.
Automation Systems
We design automated systems applying innovation and creativity, adding value to the production processes of our clients and partners. Due to the synergies obtained between our engineering teams, we develop integral automation projects, with improved, more efficient and optimized industrial processes.
Tooling And Fixturing
Control develops and supplies fixtures and test accessories :*For a vast field of applications - ICT (In-Circuit Test), functional test, Flash programming, EoL (End-of-Line) test systems, etc.*For all handling systems currently used in the market: online or offline, mechanical, pneumatic or vacuum operation*From simple mechanical fixtures, with a few hundred probes and low production volumes, to highly complex accessories with thousands of probes, double-sided probes, double acting, etc.
ICT: In-Circuit Testing
XILS In-Line Handling Solutions
Designed to cover a large number of test points, with long panels for future expansion, the XILS series of Handlers, PCB test systems in the line of EIIT - Innovative Engineering Solutions, is ready for the most demanding applications.
Assay System (Rest System for Longevity)
New polymers are constantly being developed and component manufacturing techniques appear, allowing the gradual replacement of metallic materials by plastics or composites, in various fields of application, in different industries. In particular, in the air conditioning, heating and water supply sector, plastic components are subject to the aging process due to the temperature to which they are subjected or due to the amount of oxygen in the fluids. The Test System for Longevity and Accelerated Aging Tests developed by Controlar allows to foresee, in accelerated test, the wear throughout the life of the plastic components of the hydraulic systems, in order to prevent eventual failures during the useful life cycle of the DUT.
Special Test Equipment
Complex products require demanding and versatile test systems capable of complex test cycles. The final objective is to ensure the validation of the final product during the different stages of the production process.
Haptic Testing System
The Air Ventilator Haptic Test System performs automatic functional tests on air ventilation components to measure the force necessary for the execution of movements in the different components of the part. The movements are performed by a 6-axis robot that forces the components of the part to follow the desired routes while storing data on the force expended. This particular machine tests movable fins and knurled wheels by performing four test motions on each fin and two on each wheel.