Grabner Instruments
Grabner Instruments, a subsidiary of AMETEK, Inc. is known as one of the most innovative companies world wide developing and manufacturing automatic petroleum testing equipment. Grabner Instruments’ success is based on the development of highly innovative, fully automated, portable, rugged and fast & easy to operate fuel and oil analyzers for the highly accurate quality control in the laboratory as well as for fast on-site tests in mobile laboratories.
- +43 1 282 16 27
- 1 Doktor-Otto-Neurath-Gasse
Vienna, Vienna A-1220
MiniWin for Flashpoint
No chance for confusionRead and change samples identification.Already measured or still pending? Now it's clear. And pending means that you can not overwrite by accident. Continuous operation See how a flashpoint determination goes along.In the meantime: look for free places on the carousel,add new samples and transfer results.
Crude Oil Package for Vapor Pressure
The GRABNER INSTRUMENTS' Crude Oil Package is a comprehensive solution for the transport and measurement of the vapor pressure of crude oil according to ASTM D6377 (Expansion Method). The unique Floating Piston Cylinder allows safe sample transfer of “live crude oils” according to ASTM D3700 and eliminates the risk of evaporation of light hydrocarbon ends during transport. The Grabner Instruments crude oil package is also strictly in accordance with the Russian standard GOST 52340.
Reid Vapor Pressure On-Line Analyzer
MiniVap On-Line RVP Analyzer
MINIVAP ON-LINE is a process monitoring analyzer for the determination of the vapor pressure of gasoline, crude oil, LPG and NPG. Also, the vapor-liquid ratio (LVR) of gasoline can be measured. The measuring principle is identical to the worldwide used laboratory instruments MINIVAP and therefore the MINIVAP ON-LINE produces equivalent results.
MINIWIN Software for Distillation Testing
No chance for confusionRead and change samples identification.Already measured or still pending? Now it's clear.And pending means that you can not overwrite by accident. Continuous operation See how a flashpoint determination goes along.In the meantime: look for free places on the carousel,add new samples and transfer results.
Vapor Pressure Tester
The MINIVAP laboratory and process vapor pressure analyzers are the worldwide accepted standard instruments for the determination of the vapor pressure of gasoline, crude oil and LPG.
The MINIFLASH is a uniquely designed flash point tester for the determination of flashpoints of liquids and solids, using the GRABNER INSTRUMENTS flash point detection method of measuring the instantaneous pressure increase inside the continuously closed chamber due to a hot flame. The MINIFLASH flashpoint analyzer series is a new approach to flash point testing. It revolutionizes traditional methods, when it comes to safety, sample volume, speed and instrument size.
MiniVap VP/VPL Vision
MINIVAP VP Vision is a highly versatile portable vapor pressure tester that features best-in-class precision and a pressure range of 0-2000 kPa. It is the first analyzer that demonstrates excellence in engineering by earning certificates for robustness and durability. Based on Grabner´s cutting-edge Cockpit™ technology, the instrument offers unmatched networking capabilities and enables worldwide access to analyzers.
Fuel Analysis
The GRABNER INSTRUMENTS MINISCAN IR Vision is a truly portable and fully automated FTIR fuel quality tester that allows fast and highly precise analysis of gasoline, diesel and jet fuels directly in the field. The ParaFuelTM analyzer is used specifically for process applications.
Portable Fuel Analysis
The MINISCAN IR VISION is a high speed, compact and robust FTIR fuel analyzer for the comprehensive and automatic measurement of gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. The analyzer is configured to measure more than 100 fuel parameters and components for fuel blending, for quality inspection and to check compliance with fuel specifications directly at the point of sale.