Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
One of the premiere developers and manufacturers of wireless test equipment for propagation analysis in fields as diversified as walk-about studies, drive-tests and laboratory studies. We specialize in CDMA, WISP and WLAN solutions as well as CW and TDMA used for drive-studies, antenna alignment, wardriving, survey sweeping, indoor & outdoor walk-about RF studies.
- 888-737-4287
(732) 548-3737 - (732) 548-3404
- 255 Liberty Street
Metuchen, NJ 08840
United States
Cell Phone Detection
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Portable and fixed cell phone detection systems for securing corrections, law enforcement, government, TSCM, military, corporate and university facilities wishing to enforce a NO CELL PHONE POLICY.
Indoor DAS Transmitters
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Lightweight DAS transmitters and high-speed receivers for the build-out, optimization and indoor coverage studies of in-building microcell networks and base station repeaters.
4G Analysis & Drive Studies
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Portable, calibrated test transmitters and receivers to simulate and analyze cellular 4G LTE, CDMA, UMTS and WiMAX base station coverage for drive study engineers and technicians.
Power Meters
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Handheld, calibrated power meters to measure and ensure safe and effective power levels from continuous wave RF transmitters.
M2M & IoT Installation Tools
Berkeley Varitronics Systems, Inc.
Handheld installation receivers for realtime 3G and 4G RSSI and RSRP signal strength of nearby wireless carrier base stations for M2M & IoT site surveys and antenna alignment for smart meters, EV charging stations, vending machines, wireless kiosks, digital signage, ATMs and more.