Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
Manufactures Photomultiplier Tubes, Light Sources, Imaging Tubes, Opto-Semiconductor, Imaging and Analyzing System.
- (81)53-452-2141
- (81)53-456-7889
- webmaster@hq.hpk.co.jp
- 325-6, Sunayama-cho
Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Pref 430-8587
Digital CMOS board level camera
The core of the C13949-50U camera is the scientific image sensor, an The core of the C13949-50U camera is the scientific image sensor, an advanced CMOS detector that simultaneously achieves high resolution, fast readout speeds and low noise. With its small size, board-level design and simple, low-cost integration using USB 3.0, the C13949-50U is the ideal camera for OEM scientific imaging. Resolution: 12 megapixels (4096 3008)
High Performance Cameras
High performance cameras for imaging and image analysis. A variety of products offer unique performance in spectral sensitivity, spatial resolution and readout speed for needs in various applications. Variety of software products from standard software comes with camera products to specialized software such as controlling peripheral devices, image processing and image analysis.
TF series C13555MA
he mini- spectrometer TF series is a polychromator provided in a compact, thin case that houses optical elements, image sensor, and driver circuit. Spectrum data can be acquired by guiding measurement light into a mini-spectrometer through an optical fiber and transferring the measured results to a PC via the USB connection. The incorporation of a high-sensitivity CMOS image sensor maintains high sensitivity equivalent to that of a CCD and achieves low power consumption. Moreover, the trigger function that can be also used for short-term integration enables spectroscopic measurement of pulse emissions.
Optical Sensors
module is basically comprised of a photomultiplier tube to convert light into electrical signals, a high-voltage power supply circuit, and a voltage divider circuit to distribute the optimum voltage to each dynode, all assembled into a single compact case. In addition to these basic PMT modules, Hamamatsu also provides modules having various additional functions such as signal processing, cooling and interface to PC.
Plasma Process Monitors
Plasma process monitors to monitor plasma emissions during semiconductor manufacturing processes such as etching, sputtering and CVD.
Uncooled InAsSb Photovoltaic Detector
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. has developed an uncooled InAsSb (indium arsenide antimonide) photovoltaic detector that offers high-speed and high-sensitivity detection of infrared light in the 3 to 11 micron wavelength range. This new device (part number: P13894-011MA) extends the upper limit of sensitivity of Hamamatsu’s InAsSb detectors from 8 microns to 11 microns, which will enable users to measure molecules that absorb longer wavelengths of light and thus analyze more compounds with a single device.
16-element Si photodiode array
The S12362/S12363 series is a back-illuminated type 16-element photodiode array specifi cally designed for non-destructive X-ray inspection. These are modified versions of our previous products (S11212 series: 1.575 mm pitch). The pitch has been changed to 2.5 mm. The back-illuminated photodiode array is also simple to handle and easily couples to scintillators without having to worry about wire damage because there are no bonding wires and photosensitive areas on the back side.
Electron Multipliers
Electron multipliers are mainly used as positive/negative ion detectors. They are also useful for detecting and measuring vacuum UV rays and soft X-rays. Hamamatsu electron multipliers have a high gain (multiplication factor) yet low dark current, allowingoperation in photon counting mode to detect and measure extremely small incoming particles and their energy. This means our Hamamatsu electron multipliers are ideal for electron spectroscopy and vacuum UV spectroscopy such as ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) and Auger electron spectroscopy as well as mass spectroscopy and field-ion microscopy.
The C10066-10 Immunochromato-Reader makes rapid, high sensitivity, quantitative measurements of color intensities for red/blue-based immunochromatographic reagents. Since measurement data is saved as a CSV file, it can be analyzed on commercially available spreadsheet software, and calibration curve and time-course graphs then easily drawn. The C10066-10 Immunochromato-Reader is an optimal tool for R&D work as well as quality control of immunochromatography reagent kits.