TA Instruments
TA Instruments’ reputation for high technology products, quality manufacturing, and unbeatable after sales support is why more customers recommend TA products to their colleagues around the world. Headquartered in New Castle, DE, TA Instruments prides ourselves in the technical competence and professionalism that our sales force offers. We are the only thermal analysis, rheology, microcalorimetry, and mechanical analysis supplier recognized worldwide for our prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service staff, the hallmark of our company.
- 302-427-4000
- info@tainstruments.com
- 159 Lukens Drive
New Castle, DE 19720
United States
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Nano DSC
The Nano DSC differential scanning calorimeter is designed to characterize the molecular stability of dilute in-solution biomolecules. The Nano DSC obtains data using less sample than competitive designs. Solid-state thermoelectric elements are used to precisely control temperature and a built-in precision linear actuator maintains constant or controlled variable pressure in the cell. Automated, unattended continuous operation with increased sample throughput is achieved with the optional Nano DSC Autosampler.
Discovery Hybrid Rheometers
TA Instruments invites you to experience the latest innovations in rotational shear rheometers, the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer HR 10, HR 20, and HR 30. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometers are designed for scientists who need to obtain better rheological data, under the widest range of measurement conditions, collected by more users, with less training.
Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis measures the mechanical properties of materials as a function of time, temperature, and frequency. In addition to basic material properties, DMA also quantifies finished part characteristics, reflecting the important contribution that processing has on end-use performance. DMA is commonly used to measure glass transition temperatures and secondary transitions, orientation caused by processing, cold crystallization, cure optimization, filler effects in composites, and much more. DMA provides an accurate measure of material stiffness (modulus) but also other important mechanical properties such as damping, creep, and stress relaxation.
ElectroForce Load Frame Instruments
The design of new materials and products requires a thorough assessment of material properties and complete performance evaluation within, and sometimes beyond, the intended end-use.
Flash Diffusivity Analyzers
DLF 2800
The Discovery Laser Flash DLF 2800 is an advanced freestanding instrument for the measurement of thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity of materials from room temperature to 2800°C. The distinctive design incorporates a proprietary laser, laser optics, detector, and furnace technologies, and along with the unique six-position sample carousel, ensures unprecedented measurement accuracy and sample throughput. With the ability to operate in a variety of atmospheric conditions, including inert gas or under vacuum, the DLF 2800 can characterize a wide variety of materials, including polymers, ceramics, carbons, graphite, composites, glasses, metals, and alloys.
Flash Diffusivity Analyzers
The Light Flash technique provides information on a material’s ability to store and transfer heat through measurements of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity. Thorough understanding of these properties is critical for any process or material which experiences a large or fast temperature gradient, or for which the tolerance for temperature change is exacting. Accurate values of these properties are essential for modeling and managing heat, whether the component of interest is called on to insulate, conduct, or simply withstand temperature changes. Information about these properties is routinely used in heat transfer models of all complexities. Heat transfer property measurements also reflect important information about material composition, purity and structure, as well as secondary performance characteristics such as tolerance to thermal shock.
Heat Flow Meters
Fox Series
Fox Series Heat Flow Meters are reliable, easy-to-use, and durable thermal conductivity measurement instruments. Each of our FOX heat flow meters combines advanced technology with over 20 years of superior engineering. Explore our lineup of thermal conductivity instruments.
Heating Microscope
Heating microscopy is a non-contact technique that, based upon an advanced image analysis of a specimen subjected to a thermal treatment reproducing industrial firing conditions, identifies several characteristic shapes and related temperatures key to the optimization of manufacturing processes in ceramics, metals, and alloys.
High Pressure Thermogravimetric Analyzer
TA Instruments invites you to experience the world’s most comprehensive line of High-Pressure Thermogravimetric Analyzers, all equipped with TA’s proprietary Magnetic Suspension Balances. Discovery HP-TGA and DynTHERM TGA are designed for scientists who need to obtain reliably accurate weight data of their materials in the widest range of temperature and pressure in reactive atmospheres or steam.
Horizontal Dilatometers
TA Instruments’ unique True Differential configuration makes our dilatometers the preferred choice for the most accurate measurement of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE). The high precision linear position sensor, the thermostat equipped measuring head housing, and the use of thermally ultra-stable materials all contribute to the outstanding displacement resolution, and ensure the most accurate measurement of low CTE values.
Isothermal Microcalorimetry
Isothermal Microcalorimetry is an extremely sensitive technique complementary to TA Instruments differential scanning calorimeters. TAM is a microcalorimeter system represented by TAM IV, TAM IV-48 and TAM Air.
Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
ITC instruments are designed for the most challenging life science laboratory environments that require high sensitivity, high productivity and the most advanced ITC technology.
ITCRun, DSCRun, & NanoAnalyze Software
TA Instruments’ feature-rich solution for instrument control, data acquisition, data analysis, and reporting for the Affinity and Nano Series Microcalorimetry products. Designed with intuitive user interfaces, the individual software packages allow for quick creation and execution of experiments and robust analysis of data while maintaining focus on the task at hand.
Optical Dilatometry Platform
OPP 868
Result of over twenty years of R&D of optical instruments for the study of the thermo-mechanical behavior of materials, ODP 868 makes possible the analysis of samples beyond the limits of classical heating microscopy. Its versatility makes of ODP 868 the most innovative tool for production and R&D laboratories for the optimization of all the industrial processes that involve thermal cycles.
Rheology is the study of flow and deformation of materials. Deformation and flow are referred to as strain or strain rate, respectively, and indicate the distance over which a body moves under the influence of an external force, or stress. For this reason, rheology is also considered to be the study of stress-strain relationships in materials.