Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Qosmotec develops test automation systems for telecom testing. Target customers are mobile network operators and suppliers of mobile network infrastructure.
- +49 (0) 241 879 75 0
- 49 (0) 241 879 75 15
- info@qosmotec.com
- Schloss Rahe Strasse 3
Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), D-52072
Car-to-X Test Systems
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Wireless Communication Technology is finding its way into automotive industry – not only for entertainment purposes, but for security and safety reasons: With Car-to-X technology, drivers shall get information that other vehicles and road side facilities already have, for example, in case of a traffic jam ahead, a slippery road behind a curve or a necessary change of the traffic lane because of road constructions.
Call Generator (Voice / Data)
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The Mobile Network Tester LTS is an automatic call generator, that establishes voice and data calls to and from actual mobile devices in the test system. Voice calls can be generated via the wireless PLMN network using actual mobile devices, via the PSTN network through analogue or ISDN lines or via Voice over IP. Wireless data sessions can be setup through the 3G or 4G network or over WiFi.
Test Accessories
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Qosmotec test systems are expandable to adapt your automation environment to increased demands. Standard components that can be easily integrated into an existing test setup are
Car-to-X Signal Strength Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
QPER-C2X is a special adaptation of the signal strength emulator QPER, designed for mobile and Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (MANet and VANet). Every radio devices in such an infrastructure-less network acts as a sender, receiver, and forwarder (router). Therefore, the ports of the QPER-C2X hardware are fully connected with each other by dynamically controllable attenuators. The system is fully designed for frequencies up to 6 GHz, since wireless communication for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is based on the WLAN standard IEE 802.11p from 5.850 MHz to 5.925 MHz. The connected ITS stations can be either on-board units, as they are built into cars, or road side units that are used by road infrastructure (traffic lights, road work area delimiters, velocity signs). For tests in the lab, radio modules of such ITS stations are each kept in a shielding box that prevents any unwanted radiation over the air.
Channel Load Generator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
When many cars are equipped with 802.11p communication technology, high traffic density will also cause significant load on the radio channel. From normal wireless communication systems it is a known problem, that many users can cause a complete breakdown of the network. Car-to-X communication technology tries to protect itself against those kind of breakdown by a carrier sensing mechanism: Each communication device has to check first, if the radio channel is busy. In that case, it waits for a random delay to avoid packet collision on the radio channel, which causes a loss of both collided packets.
Car-to-X Test Bench
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The QPER-C2X adaptation, that emulates signal strength between radio devices for Car-to-X communication in the lab, can be combined with the test automation software CANoe from Vector Informatik to enable a fully automated lab test under realistic radio conditions. This combination can be regarded as full test bench setups for Car-to-X test laboratories.
RF Shield Box
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Qosmotec RF Guard is a RF shield box that allows engineers to create an affordable automated end-to-end test environment with each UE shielded individually. It enables the user to perform wireless network tests without undesired RF interference by protecting mobile devices from outside network frequencies.
Mobile Network Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
QPER Mobile Network Emulator enables engineers to simulate handover scenarios in mobile networks without a fully-fledged test lab. Based on Qosmotec’s QPER technology, it allows to test UE and SIM-Card behaviour in a completely emulated mobile network: Cells can be configured with all relevant cell parameters (MCC, MNC, LAC, CI, etc.), SIMs can be added to the HLR, and UEs can use standard circuit switched and packed switched services. Thus, the QPER Mobile Network Emulator emulates the all components of a mobile network – consisting of core and radio functionality – and creates RF signals. It supports GSM, GPRS and EDGE (900 MHz, 1800 MHz) as well as UMTS (2100 MHz).
Handover Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The Qosmotec handover test system QPER is a versatile test platform for emulating the RF signal between radio devices in a wireless network, e.g., between mobile stations and radio infrastructure of a mobile network. It is employed in test beds where radio signals are transmitted through coaxial cables and specifically manipulated by testers. QPER can be based on various hardware platforms, from attenuator arrays to digital channel emulators.
Test Probe
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Qosmotec UE Test Probe offers more flexibility to testers of mobile networks. It is a compact plug & play multi-UE test probe that allows for tests in UMTS, HSPA+ and LTE standards from any location. It can hold a custom set of up to 8 UEs.
Network Service Tester
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The Mobile Network Tester LTS is well suited to verify the functionality, availability and performance of network services and value-added services.
Handover Tester
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The QPER Handover Tester provides engineers with a platform to test all relevant signal strength effects on the radio channel.
IREG And International Roaming Tester
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The Mobile Network Tester LTS is able to treat the SIM card as a separate object under test. Also for international roaming tests, especially those specified by the International Roaming Expert Group (IREG), it is important to be able to put the focus of testing on the SIM card and to virtually (seemingly) place it into a mobile device in a potentially remote location.
Channel Emulator
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
Knowledge about channel models is not necessary to run tests with the QPER Channel Emulator. It applies the visualised virtual drive test concept, which is also used in the handover tester, to a fully fledged channel emulator: The tester outlines the network layout on the screen and defines a drive test route on the map. While running a simulated drive test, all channel effects are automatically calculated by QPER and applied to the channel emulation hardware.
MIMO Tester
Qosmotec Software Solutions GmbH
The QPER MIMO Tester is a handover tester einriched with phase shifter that helps engineers to make mobile networks fit for modern standards like LTE or HSPA+.