IRS Systementwicklung GmbH
Innovative measuring and testing systems and software tailored to suit your requirements.
- 49 (0) 9484/9500-0
- 49 (0) 9484/9500-25
- Pfaffenthanner Weg 5
Brennberg, D-93179
Compact-RIO Optical Interface Module
cRIO OPIF 20MBit/s
Fibre optical interface module for Compact-RIO with the following features:Fibre connection: SC connectorWavelength 820nmData rate: 020MBit/s2 Transmitters2 ReceiversExample SW in LabVIEWField of application of this module:Data communication via fibreOptical isolated data acquisition
The main components of electrical and hybrid vehicles are the electrical motor and the battery. Furthermore, inverters convert the DC voltage of the battery into AC currents for the motor. Battery chargers convert the AC voltage from the grid to the DC voltage of the battery, DCDC-converters shift energy between LV and HV battery and power distribution units make sure, that all components including additional loads may be safely connected in the car.
Software Development Services
We develop our own standardized and reliable software for our test equipment which is easy to use and maintain. Our developments process includes strict guidelines and testing procedures to generate stable software combined with great performance.
Hardware Development Services
We design and build customer-specific hardware components adapted to your specific requirements. Moreover, a variety of standardized products have evolved from our developments in this area which can be used in your projects with minimal effort.
Current Sources
IRS has more than ten years of experience in testing and qualification of LEDs, OLEDs and laser diodes.A whole range of current sources is available for all kinds of testing requirements.
Lifetime Testing
Electronic control units for automotive applications require extensive validation to make sure that the device will work properly for years under harsh environmental conditions. During validation, inputs and outputs of the device under test (DUT) have to be stimulated and operation has to be monitored continuously.
Testing System Services
We plan, design, develop and build turnkey systems for your measurement and testing requirements. Our high performance testing systems can be adapted to every step of your test chain. They allow you to manage your test requirements, guide you through test execution and help you with the analysis of results.
Though originally developed for use in our life time testers, the great amount of interfaces allows the universal application of our system in all fields of test and measurement. The Ethernet connection provides flexibility (spatial separation of PC and measurement system is possible) as well as safety through galvanic isolation from the PC.