Lyncis is a certified company according to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems in Design, Manufacturing, Calibration, and Commissioning of Industrial LIBS Analyzers for continuous process control in the mining and mineral processing industry.
- +370 52 077945
- 6A Mokslininku str.
Vilnius, LT-08412
Online Coal Analyzer
Online Coal Analyzer is installed over the conveyor belt and provides continuous real-time data of coal parameters, such as calorific value, total ash, moisture and others without sampling. The solution is widely used in coal power plants, coal mines and coal terminals to maximize the use of coal resources or control the quality of produced material.
Online Slurry Elemental Analyzer
Lyncis Online Slurry Analyzer is providing continues elemental analysis of slurry without a need for a complex and high maintenance sampling system. The analyzer is installed above a slurry flow surface and can deliver an accurate chemical analysis of production feed, concentrate product or tailings. All elements including light once can be measured simultaneously without manual sampling and sample preparation.
Express Analyzer
MAYA Express
Lyncis Express Analyzer was developed to answer the need for fast and reliable material chemical composition analysis. The application is valued by the clients where modern agile manufacturing metrology being applied and quick assessment of material is necessary to adjust critical process parameters without waiting on the lab results.
Online Elemental Analyzer
Lyncis online analyzer is a radiation-free material elemental composition analytics solution for real-time process control optimization in the mining and mineral processing industry.