Ecoprogetti srl
Ecoprogetti is a globally active company, among the TOP 5 photovoltaic machine manufacturers for worldwide capacity. Specialized in Photovoltaic machines for Module Production, with innovative and high-quality solutions for photovoltaic module manufacturing, Ecoprogetti provides its customers turnkey production solutions of various levels of automation and capacity, tailor made on our customers’ requirements. PV equipment, installations, certified training, know-how transfer, raw material support, certification support are the activities that Ecoprogetti offers in order for you to produce high quality PV modules. Ecoprogetti is also very careful towards nature, we design and create machines keeping the environment and the respect of nature in great consideration.
- +39 049 7444900
- +39 049 9431100
- Via dell'Industria e dell'Artigianato, 27/C
Carmignano di Brenta, PD 35010
Solar Turnkey Lines
Ecoprogetti offers complete solar turnkey lines for the manufacturing of photovoltaic modules. According to the customer's needs we customize the line in order to always give the best solutions.
Testing & Quality
The solar simulator, electroluminescence and hi-Pot testers are the main machines used to test photovoltaic modules. These machines can be positioned at the end of the production line and along the production chain to keep the quality and efficiency of the photovoltaic modules under control after the most sensitive production phases. Each machine uses the best technologies in order to guarantee the best and most accurate measurements.