Reltech Limited
Since 1976 Reltech Limited has served the global semiconductor industry, providing both innovative Burn-In/Life-Test Systems and Reliability and Qualification testing services to industry leading Fabless and OEM semiconductor companies. Our vast experience in system design and manufacture and reliability testing, enables us to offer our customers full turn-key solutions covering all aspects of Semiconductor reliability including qualification planning, test hardware design and manufacture, test software development and the complete qualification testing of our customer products. All testing is performed to industry and customer specific standards and is supported by highly trained and competent personnel, assuring users of the up-most integrity and confidentiality at all times.
- +44 (0) 1453 541 200
- +44 (0) 1453 545 810
- Cam Mills
Lower Cam
Dursley, Gloucestershire GL11 5PW
United Kingdom
High Temperature Operating Life
7000 Series
With ever decreasing geometries, the way we perform HTOL requires careful consideration. In lower geometry device leakage currents are not only higher but vary greatly. Temperature control at DUT level – required to achieve correct junction temperature at every DUT. For higher geometries, HTOL can be performed in a more traditional way but with devices consuming more power, the ambient temperatures required varies greatly. Multiple temperature zones are required – multi zones system or multiple smaller HTOL systems.
Burn-In Test Sockets
The selection of the test socket is critical to the performance of a device during qualification testing where electrical bias and signals are applied. Key factors such as mechanical compatibility, operating temperature, ability to withstand high moisture levels, signal speed and lead inductance/capacitance all need to be taken into account when selecting the best socket for the test application.
Qualification Hardware & Sockets
Reltech Limited holds over 35 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of all types of qualification test hardware. Our advanced technology products include: HTOL Boards (Mother and Daughter cards) Burn-In Boards HAST Boards THB (humidity) Boards Burn-In Modules and frames Dynamic Driver cards (Digital, Analogue and Mixed signal) Back Planes Voltage regulator cards Custom electro-mechanical assemblies DUT Cassettes and test Fixtures
Power Temperature Cycling
Typically, this test would be selected when during its normal operating activity, the device is subjected to high temperature excursions and is required to power on and off at all temperatures. The power and temperature cycling test will determine the ability of a device to withstand exposure to such temperature extremes with operating biases periodically applied and removed. The worst case conditions expected in a typical; application will be simulated.
HALT – Highly Accelerated Life Test
HALT is a process used on electronic assemblies and modules to determine weaknesses and the stress limits of a product by temperature cycling and omni-axial random vibration step stress. Inherent weaknesses in a products design and build are stimulated by applying increasing levels of mechanical stress. Within an accelerated timescale, faults in a product can be realised prior to product release and preventing failures occurring during after-sale user operation, very often during the warranty period.
Typical Advanced Mixed Signal Driver Card
A wide range of Driver card are available suitable for HTOL, THB, LTOL, and HAST test applications. All device technologies are catered for whether it be Digital , Analogue, Mixed Signal, low voltage <0.5v, high voltage >>3KV.
Failure Analysis Services
Introducing our Failure Analysis services partner, close neighbour and collaborator NanoScope Services. Working together with NanoScope we offer the following portfolio of advanced FA services.
Low Temperature Operating Life (LTOL) Test
LTOL is being more used more and more frequently by manufacturers of low geometry devices as part of the qualification process, and in order to gain more failure data, a greater understanding of different failure modes of the device at low temperature, and to enable more complete reliability estimations. As device geometries decrease and frequencies become higher, Hot Carrier Injection (HCI) increases and the resulting degradation causes the deterioration of device characteristics and ultimately leads to failure.
iSocketTM - High Power DUT - HTOL System
8000 Series
iSocketTM Technology Open Rack-Room Temperature (RTBI) non chamber design High Power DUT Capability – 0-65W Individual DUT Temperature Measurement & Control DUT Monitoring with Auto shut down 28 BIB capacity – 14 trays 2 BIB’s per tray Multi DUT type HTOL Testing Remote System & HTOL Monitoring – Customer access via VPN
Temperature Cycling
Reltech provides a full capability for Temperature Cycle testing as part its full turn-key solution to package level qualification testing. Our Temperature Cycling system type Espec TSA11-A, two zone (-65°C to +200°C) vertical movement system, provides an exceptional recovery time of less than 5 minutes without the need for any auxiliary cooling.
Preconditioning is performed prior to package level reliability testing to simulate the effects of board assembly on non-hermetic devices where moisture may have been absorbed during normal storage. The subsequent exposure to high temperature during infra reflow assembly can cause internal damage such as “pop corning” and delamination.
Biased and Unbiased HAST Testing
Considered within the semiconductor industry as the fast and effective alternative to Temperature Humidity Bias testing (THB), Highly-Accelerated Temperature and Humidity Stress Test (HAST) is a critical part of the device package Qualification process and is used to evaluate the reliability of non-hermetic packaged devices in humid environments.