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COM/SOM Modules
PicoZed Family
Computer on Modules and System on Modules are complete embedded computers with a computer processor, chipset, memory, and peripherals designed into a single board with a small footprint. They integrate the complete functions of a computer in to a single module. Both COMs and SOMs are types of single board computers except the fact that both of these are required to be mounted on a carrier board/base board which breaks the bus out to standard peripheral connectors as COM/SOM lacks the standard connectors for any input/output peripherals to be attached directly to the board. Carrier boards can implement special I/O interfaces, additional memory devices, and connectors according to the application requirements. COM examples include COM-Express Basic, COM-Express Compact, COM-Express Mini, QSeven, ETX etc. SOM examples are NOVSOM, MitySOM, and SOM CM7120 etc.
UltraZed PCIe Carrier Card for UltraZed-EG System-on-Module
The UltraZed PCIe Carrier Card supports the UltraZed-EG System-on-Module (SOM), providing easy access to the full 180 user I/O, 26 PS MIO, and 4 PS GTR transceivers available from the UltraZed-EG SOM via three Micro Headers. Two 140-pin Micro Headers on the carrier card mate with the UltraZed-EG SOM, connecting 180 of the UltraZed-EG Programmable Logic (PL) I/O to 2 Digilent Pmod™ compatible interfaces, FMC LPC slot, LVDS Touch Panel interface, push button switches, DIP switches, LEDs, Xilinx SYSMON, and clock oscillator.
Embedded Boards
UltraZed Family
Embedded boards are boards with processors, multiple integrated circuits, interfaces and other essential components assembled on it to serve a dedicated function. Embedded boards comprise multiple technologies, including processors, core logic, networking, connectivity, and multimedia components to provide functionality and performance for embedded system design applications. Embedded boards and solutions are normally employed to ensure a faster time to market for the developer. Applications of embedded systems vary from tiny portable devices, to large commercial and industrial installations, and even largely complex systems like medical or military or aviation purposes. Embedded boards can have single MCU chip or multiple MCUs depending on the complexity of application.