VIacoustics was formed in August of 2001, with the mission of joining together a group of products and services to address the full range of needs for companies with product noise emission and acoustic measurement requirements. Since that time, we’ve installed systems in some of the top acoustic laboratories in the country and helped many small companies start their initial acoustic measurement program.
- 512-531-6442
- 603-994-4613
United States
Test Chambers
Free Field Test Chamber for sound pressure level measurement, sound power level determination, acoustic research and audio measurement applications
Small Device Noise Emission Test System
The Small Device Noise Emission Test System from VIacoustics is a turnkey solution for the measurement of noise emissions of small devices typically used in computers, consumer electronics, appliances and automobiles. The system includes all hardware and software necessary (see the components tab) for the determinations of sound power levels (1/3 octave band and A-weighted), emission sound pressure levels (normalized 1/3 OB, A-weighted and high resolution FFT) and *ISO 532B loudness. The system is designed to be operated by a technician for production level testing or to be used by an engineer in the product development process.
Reverberation Chambers
Reverberant Test Chambers for sound power level determination and building acoustics measurements
Acoustic Test Chambers
Small Device Test Chambers are used for >Basic sound level measurement of small products and equipment >Pre-compliance testing of small products and equipment >End of line manufacturing test on small products and equipment Small Device Test Chambers provide acoustic isolation from outside sounds and/or reduce the sounds from the device under test radiating into the host
Basic Sound Level Measurement System
The system utilizes a National Instruments CompactDAQ data acquisition device and the Nelson Acoustics Trident software application to provide a basic, computer based, sound pressure level measurement system.
End of Line Noise Test System
End of Line Noise Test Systems from VIacoustics are designed to support end of line product noise testing on factory floors and quality assurance environments. Using the Limit Analysis features of the Nelson Acoustic Trident software, users can set noise emission maximum, minimum or control range criteria based on Awtd and/or 1/N octave band criteria. Criteria can be customized for most any type of product based on the noise emissions of known good and bad units. The large front panel Pass/Fail indicator allows operators to quickly determine if units meet the criteria. Data on units that fail can be exported for further analysis.