Cryogenic Ltd.
enowned in low temperature research and material science laboratories world-wide for delivering high quality measurement systems and providing the highest magnetic fields (up top 25 Tesla) and lower temperatures (down to 10mK)
- 44(0)20 8743 6049
- 44(0)20 8749 5315
- Units 29/30, Acton Park, Industrial Estate
The Vale, Acton
London, W3 7QE
United Kingdom
Cryogen-Free DR With Integrated Magnet
Magnet thermally linked to cryocooler 2nd stage Ideal for smaller magnets up to 17 T or small vector magnets up to 7T / 2T / 2TSingle pulse tube cryocooler for cooling both magnet and DRMagnet operation at 700 mK or 4 KUse with top-loading probeFast Sample Change
Cryogen Free Variable Temperature Cryostat for EPR
We offer a variable temperature cryostat with a sample space of 40mm designed to fit between the poles of a resistive electromagnet for EPR applications. The cryostat is designed to receive standard EPR probes.
Fast Ramping Magnet Systems
Cryogenic Ltd has developed a new range of fast-sweeping cryogen-free superconducting magnets using high-performance Nb3Sn coils. These magnets provide an ideal platform for XMCD and other polarity switching applications. No liquid cryogens are required offering superb economy and ease of use in comparison with liquid helium alternatives.
Free DR and High Field Magnet in Shared Vacuum Space
50 mm 4 K magnet bore, 30 mm sample space in DRSuitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Free Measurement System
The Cryogen Free Measurement System (CFMS) from Cryogenic Ltd is a modular research system designed to enable the user to perform a wide range of material characterisation experiments in variable field and variable temperature environments.
Free Room Temperature Bore magnet with Insertable DR
Room Temperature magnet bore 50 mm sample space in DR Suitable for use with Leiden DR type CF200, CF450, CF650 or CF1000 DR
Free Room Temperature Bore Systems
The cryomagnetic system contains the cryogen free room temperature bore superconducting magnet, cryostat, cryocooler and compressor, temperature monitor unit (nominally Lakeshore) and HTS current leads. The cooling for the magnet and cryostat housing is provided by a standard cryocooler with a base temperature of 4K. The magnet is designed to operate safely at the guaranteed field without quenching.
High field Superconducting Magnets
Cryogenic Ltd manufactures a wide range of superconducting magnets for research and industrial purposes. A range of standard solenoids between 1 to 22 Tesla is produced, and in addition split pair solenoids in the range 1 to 14 Tesla, with a typical central field homogeneity of 0.1%.
High Temperature VSM probe
To perform measurements at or above room temperature, separate heated sample probes are offered for electrical or magnetic measurements. In normal operation, the CFMS has a continuous temperature range of 1.6 K to 400 K. With these inserts the range can be extended up to 1000 K.
Mini-MRI Systems
Magnets for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are required to generate a high homogeneity field over the imaging volume which remains stable in time.
Solid State NMR
Magnets for NMR experiments are required to have a high homogeneity, which can be maintained over a wide range of field. Experiments are performed at fixed frequency and the spectrum is obtained by sweeping the magnetic field. This requires the field to be stable in spatial homogeneity and change steadily and repeatedly over time.
Specific Heat Capacity
The heat capacity probe uses a miniature AC calorimeter to measure the heat capacity of samples weighing as little as one microgram. The AC technique employed is highly sensitivity and combined with the automated Cryogenic Software, is simple to use.
Thermal Transport
The thermal transport probe measures thermal conductivity and thermoelectric power (defined by the Seeback Coefficient). Electrical and thermal contacts are made to opposite ends of the sample allowing for customisation to suit the sample requirements of the user.
Ultra High Vacuum
Our range of UHV magnet systems for x-ray beamline applications offers the highest performance specifications currently available combined with an unparalleled degree of flexibility ensuring that the system is tailored precisely to the requirements of the user facility.
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
The Cryogenic Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) is designed for measurement of the DC magnetic moment of a sample with a noise floor sensitivity of 10-6 and at 10 seconds integration time.