Teledyne Marine Benthos
Teledyne Benthos designs and manufactures rugged and reliable oceanographic instrumentation and sensor solutions for marine environments. Teledyne Benthos product lines include: acoustic communications, acoustic recovery and acoustic positioning technology.
- 508 563 1000
- (508) 563-6444
- 49 Edgerton Drive
North Falmouth,, MA 02556
United States
Combined Acoustic Release and Underwater Modem
Smart Modem Acoustic Release Technology (SMART) Release is a unique concept from Teledyne Benthos, that combines the proven technology of an underwater acoustic release with the reliable undersea communications functionality of an acoustic modem.
Directional Acoustic Transponder (DAT)
The Benthos Directional Acoustic Transponder (DAT) is anextension to the Teledyne Benthos ATM-900 Series modem, which automatically estimates the azimuthal and vertical arrival angles of a message sent by a remote modem. The system is a modified ultra-short baseline (USBL) which uses a broadband component of a typical modem message to form estimates of arrival angle(s). While conventional USBL devices employ tonal signals, our appropriate processing of wide band signals provides far better combined range and arrival angle estimation, especially at low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Our device offers a clear 360 degree field of view in azimuth, and an approximate vertical coverage spanning + 90º overhead to -50º below horizontal.
Releaseit Shallow Water Deck Unit
Teledyne Benthos’ new Releaseit Deck Unit and dunking transducer enables communications and acoustic release functionality when used with any of Teledyne Benthos’ R-Series Acoustic releases deployed in shallow water environments. Designed with Teledyne Benthos’ proven engineering and reliability, Releaseit is a value-priced alternative deck unit allowing for basic coastal operations. When paired with our new R500 Shallow Water Acoustic Release, the combined system represents a lower-cost turn-key option for shallow water applications up to 500 m water depth.
Trackit USBL System
The first in a series of Teledyne Benthos USBL deliverables, the "Short Range USBL" is geared toward the tracking and positioning of shallow water autonomous or remotely operated vehicles. Leveraging Teledyne Benthos extensive technical expertise and field experience in acoustic positioning and communications, this new system brings it all together with a powerful topside processing package, intuitive user interface, communications, and highly accurate, field proven subsea electronics.
The Teledyne Benthos Testit Hand Held Acoustic Tester enables in-air acoustic testing of all the Teledyne Benthos R-Series acoustic releases prior to deployment. The Testit is powered by six AA batteries and is lightweight and compact for hand held use. It is also splash-proof, enabling it to be exposed to marine environments. Using the Testit, any number of R-Series acoustic releases can be tested at sea or on shore without the need to set up and operate a deck box. The Testit includes a carry case with batteries and a manual.
Long Baseline (LBL) Systems
Teledyne Benthos offers a full line of subsea acoustic communication based products that can be configured in many different ways, including into Long Baseline (LBL) positioning systems.Benthos modems and acoustic releases can be set up as transponder nodes, either fixed or mobile, that can be used to calculate range between any one node and the others. The distance between the transponders is usually hundreds, if not thousands, of meters, hence the name Long Baseline. With the inclusion of telemetry, a network can adapt to changing transponder positions to provide greater operational flexibility.