Delivering advanced system solutions since 1988, Signatec is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-speed, PC-based data acquisition, parallel signal processing, continuous signal recording and arbitrary waveform generation systems.
- 1-800-567-4243
1-514-633-7447 - 1-514-633-0770
- 900 N. State Street
Lockport, IL 60441
United States
High-Performance Data Acquisition Systems
Sig-Station Series
Sig-Stations are high-performance PC workstations designed specifically for integrating Signatec/GaGe advanced data acquisition instruments and maximizing their operational performance. The dedicated peer design of host PCIe buses ensure that the maximum data transfer rate is achieved for multiple Signatec/GaGe instrument card operations. Integrated high-speed data storage is specifically tailored for real-time data streaming signal recording applications that require a guaranteed continuous transfer rate with no missing data. Sustained data transfer rates and storage capacity are scalable. Sig-Station systems come with all Signatec/GaGe cards, features, and software fully tested and installed so that the user can be up and running with their system solution right out of the box. Custom system configurations can also be defined to meet specific customer applications or requirements.