Thermtest Instruments
Thermtest has been advancing the measurement of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat for 10 years. Our unique combination of advanced laboratory thermal conductivity instrumentation, portable meters and corresponding accessories, enable us to offer testing solutions to fit most any type of sample, testing application or budget.
- 1-866-249-0077
506-458-5350 - 1-866-274-5269
- 25 Millennium Drive
Unit 2
Hanwell, New Brunswick E3C 2N9
Differential Scanning Calorimeter
The Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC-L600) is a powerful thermal analysis instrument that measures the heat flow of a sample as a function of time or temperature. The DSC-L600 has been designed to be a cost-effective instrument that is well suited for research or QC applications. The instrument communicates with the PC via a RS232/USB connection. The specially designed heat flux plate has demonstrated more than twice the sensitivity than other heat flow type DSC’s on the market. The reproducibility is excellent, and the noise level is virtually unnoticeable due to a precision high gain, low noise differential amplifier
Thermogravimetric Analyzer
The Thermogravimetric Analyzer TGA-1000/1500 is a thermal analysis instrument that measures weight changes as a function of temperature or time. The system allows for multiple heating, cooling, and isothermal segments to be linked together to achieve a complex profile. Automatic gas switching is also supported during the temperature program. The vertical hangdown design offers stable and smooth weight readings to be recorded during the experiment. The TGA’s small mass furnace responds quickly to changes in the temperature profile and cools down quickly for fast turn around between experiments. Typical analyses for a TGA-1000/1500 include percent weight loss, onset temperature calculations and residual weight.
Designed with speed and operational simplicity in mind, the Transient Hot Wire (THW-L2) Liquid Thermal Conductivity Meter is an advanced measurement system for direct determination of the thermal conductivity of liquids and pastes in accordance with ASTM D7896-19. In less than 2 seconds, a single measurement of small volumes of liquids and pastes can be accurately and precisely measured for thermal conductivity. Using a non-stationary measurement approach, the THW-L2 uses rapid test times to limit convective effects for samples with a wide range of viscosities. The THW sensor consists of a 60 mm heating wire that is fully inserted into an isothermal sample. A constant current source (q) is used to heat the sensor wire and the temperature rise is recorded by monitoring the change in electrical resistance of the wire. The slope (m) is determined from the plot of temperature rise vs. logarithm of time and is used in the calculation of thermal conductivity (λ). Liquid samples of high thermal conductivity will have a lower slope, while liquid samples with low thermal conductivity will have a higher slope.
Liquid Thermal Conductivity Instruments
The Transient Hot Wire (THW-L1) Liquid Thermal Conductivity Meter is an advanced measurement system for direct determination of the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat instrument for measurement of liquids and pastes in accordance with ASTM D7896-19. The THW-L1 was designed with speed and operational simplicity in mind. With a single measurement of 1 second in duration, small volumes of liquids and pastes can be accurately and precisely measured for thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat. The THW-L1 utilizes a non-stationary measurement approach and rapid test times to limit convective effects for samples with a wide range of viscosities. The THW sensor consists of a thin heating wire 40 mm in length and is completely inserted into the sample to be tested.
Portable Thermal Conductivity Meter
The TLS-100 is a portable thermal conductivity meter used to measure thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity at the push of a button. Each TLS-100 comes equipped with a 100 mm sensor for testing soil, polymers, and other soft materials. An optional 50 mm sensor was designed for testing harder materials, like rock and concrete. The collected data is automatically analyzed, and results are displayed instantly.
Heat Flow Meter
Thermal conductivity is a measurement of a materials ability to conduct heat and can be critical for evaluating energy efficiency and thermal performance of materials. The HFM-100 Heat Flow Meter is designed as an easy-to-use method for the measurement of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of insulation products, construction materials, packaging, and assemblies. Available at an exceptional value, the Thermtest HFM has been engineered for industry-leading performance by combining the highest accuracy, repeatability, and widest temperature range possible, and follows international standards: ASTM C518, ISO 8301, and EN 12667.
TPS-Effusivity Meter
Thermal Effusivity (W√s/m2K) is described as a materials ability to exchange heat with its surroundings. Surface haptics is a branch of psychology, describing the sense of touch, localized to the skin surface. The feeling of warmth and coolness (thermal effusivity) makes up the feeling of comfort, or the desired effect, which goes into the touched material surface. This is an important field of measurement for textiles, fabrics and solids.
Guarded Heat Flow Meter
The Guarded Heat Flow Meter (GHFM-02) follows ASTM E1530-19 for testing thermal resistance and thermal conductivity of solids, such as metals, polymers and composites. The easy to operate GHFM-02 follows the trusted steady-state approach, with the addition of a guard to limit the effects of lateral heat loss. This design, allows testing of a wide range of materials with low to medium thermal conductivity.