Conductor Analysis Technologies, Inc
Conductor Analysis Technologies, Inc. (CAT) is a provider of market-critical data utilized by designers, purchasers, assemblers, and manufacturers of printed circuit boards, and by material and equipment suppliers to the printed circuit industry. Our products and services provide quantitative data on printed circuit manufacturing capability, quality, and reliability.
- 505.797.0100
- 8900 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite G
Albuquerque, NM 87113
United States
D-Coupon Generator
Conductor Analysis Technologies, Inc
This coupon generator is based on the D-Coupon of IPC 2221B Appendix A. It is advised that you familiarize yourself with the coupon specifications before using the generator. It is also recommended that the drill, etch and soldermask fabrication compensations be applied uniformly to both the coupons and product board after the coupons have been designed.
OM Thermal Stress System
Conductor Analysis Technologies, Inc
The OM Thermal Stress System is a cost-effective performance based reliability test methodology which performs convection reflow assembly simulation and air-to-air thermal cycling. The methodology is utilized by both the IPC PCQR and the IPC 6012-QLM programs. OM systems are available for sale or lease, and test services are provided from both CAT and our service partners.