Seismic Source Co.
Seismic Source Company is a manufacturer of seismic instruments and data acquisition systems. Its products are used in a broad range of applications: Seismology, Structural Monitoring, Seismic Site Evaluation, Civil Engineering, Gas and Oil Exploration, Industrial Vibration Monitoring.
- (580) 762-8233
- (580) 762-1785
- 2391 E. Coleman Rd.
Ponca City, OK 74604
United States
Dual Accelerometer
*Built-in damping and overrange stops*Safe overrange limits*Force up to 2000 G without damage to sensor*Temperature compensated for accurate response over entire temperature range*High slew rate operational amplifiers (1.2 V/usec)*Internal RF shielding on each pin
Dynamite Source Controller
*Easy to Use, just hold the Arm and Charge toggles, Unit charges and is ready to fire*Web based interface allows easy setup and storage of data on PC, Tablet, or Cell phone*Shooter updated with easy to read graphical display and status LEDs*Same unit used for Encoder and Decoder modes
Portable Load Cell System
Load Cell is designed by Seismic Source Company to measure the Hold Down weight and the output force of the Servo Hydraulic Vibrator unit. The output of the Load Cells can be recorded with any accurate seismic recording system.
Radio Trigger Module
The Remote Trigger Module 3, or RTM3 3, is a new generation of impact trigger device. It is designed to time synchronize a single seismic source unit with multiple seismic recorders. It can also be used to synchronize multiple seismic recorders. The RTM3 units use an internal high accuracy oscillator that is synchronized to GPS timing information. Each RTM3 unit requires an external GPS receiver with valid satellite information to synchronize the internal clock. Once the internal clock is synchronized the RTM3 can be used without any GPS signal for up to 10 minutes.
The DX6 is a 6 channel seismograph that can be used for almost any seismic project. With its internal memory, optional USB memory and GPS, the flexible DX6 node can be deployed anywhere, at any time.
The Vscope Software program is used to operate single or multiple DAQlink Units. The Software provides full support to setup unit for autonomous or real-time operation.
GPS Tracker
*Real Time display and History of all Vehicles and Personnel on Crew*Safety Reports and Legal documentation*Built around Google Earth – Data Reports free to everyone
Specifically designed to maximize production with Continuous Recording Systems like iSeis Sigma, OYO GSR, Fairfield Node, Sercel Unite and all other systems.
Test Accelerometer Sensitivity And Noise Test
Accelerometer Test Unit
*Quick and Accurate Accelerometer Test*Battery operation*All tests use 32-bit resolution A to D Converter*All data downloaded to PC via Ethernet link*Records all data to a flexible easy to use database*Records time and date of tests
GPS Navigator
*Dual Screen support for "zoomed" view and complete view of prospect*Source Flags are easily selected as waypoints*Real-time display of Bearing and Distance to next waypoint*Optimized for use with Touch Screen*Routes and trails can be recorded and loaded for "drive around" guidance*External Compass option for reliable direction information*Display of Vibrator Group information
Vibrator QC System
Accelerometer Array
*24-channel input interface for DAQLink-III acquisition system (23 for accelerometers and one for True Reference)*Computes accelerometer weighted sum using input array*Controlled state of current supplies for external accelerometers*LED status indication of every accelerometer input*Differential outputs to the acquisition system*Input channel impedance of 1 Mohm*Bandwidth: 0.1 - 5000 Hz*Crosstalk: -100 dB*Phase tolerance of channels: ±0.2 deg*10 mA current supply for every accelerometer channel*Max input signal: ±10 V p-p (True Reference), ±2.8 V p-p (Accelerometer input)*Power supply: 9 - 18 V
Weight Drop Controller
The WDC unit consists of the following: *Weight Drop Relay Control System *Radio Trigger Module (RTM) *Remote Control Box *Radio*Hammer Switch The WDC provides following features: *Automatic cycling with user entered number of hits*Time Delay Display (Time from fire command to hit)*GPS interface for position and timing*Remote Control Box
Vibrator Control System
The Force 3 Vibrator Control System is the newest generation of vibrator control system. It is designed to control individual vibes, or synchronize entire fleets of trucks. Using GPS, or VHF/UHF radio, for its time base the Force 3 both starts the Vibrator and controls its sweep with unparalleled precision and accuracy.The Force 3 is equipped with the latest ADC chips for better sweep resolution, increased computing power for faster response, GPS for precise source location, 8 Gbytes of internal memory for integrated VSS and PSS data storage, and integrated Wi-Fi for easy data offloading.