Neocera, Inc.
Neocera is a technology company that serves academia, government and multinational companies that designs thin-film development products. Neocera offers a full range of solutions for thin films including pulsed laser deposition (PLD) systems, pulsed electron deposition (PED) systems, components and in situ diagnostic tools.
- 301-210-1010 x104
- 301-210-1042
- 10000 Virginia Manor Road
Ste 300
Beltsville, MD 20705
United States
PLD Systems
Pulsed Laser Deposition
Is a versatile thin film deposition technique. A pulsed laser (~20 ns pulse width) rapidly evaporates a target material forming a thin film that retains target composition. This unique ability of stoichiometeric transfer of target composition into the film was realized first by the research team led by Dr. Venkatesan at Bell Communications Research, NJ, USA, nearly 30 years ago while depositing high temperature superconducting (YBa2Cu3O7) thin films. Since then, PLD has become the preferred deposition technique where ever thin films of complex material compositions are considered. Another unique feature of PLD is its ability for rapid prototyping of materials. The energy source (pulsed laser) being outside the deposition chamber, facilitates a large dynamic range of operating pressures (10-10 Torr to 500 Torr) during material synthesis. By controlling the deposition pressure and substrate temperature and using relatively small target sizes, a variety of atomically controlled nano-structures and interfaces can be prepared with unique functionalities.
In Situ Diagnostics
For researchers working on ultra thin films and novel interfaces, Neocera offers insitu, real-time process control and diagnostic tools such as high-pressure RHEED, Low Angle X-ray Spectroscopy (LAXS) and Ion Energy Spectroscopy (IES). RHEED provides exceptional growth control via RHEED intensity oscillations and the Structural data via diffraction. LAXS is a complimentary to RHEED and provides real-time Compositional information. IES provides energetics of the laser generated plasma plume which is directly responsible for obtaining high quality films and interfaces.
PED Systems
Pulsed Electron Deposition
Is a process in which a pulsed (80-100 ns) high power electron beam (~1000 A, 15 kV) penetrates approximately 1 μm into the target resulting in a rapid evaporation of target material. The non-equilibrium heating of the target facilitates stoichiometric ablation of the target material. Under optimum conditions, the target stoichiometry is preserved in the deposited films. All solid state materials – metals, semiconductors and insulators, including those transparent to laser wavelengths in PLD – can be deposited as thin films with PED. By combining PLD and PED, the range of complex materials that can be prepared as thin films can be greatly enhanced.
PLD/PED Components
Neocera offers a variety of components that can be fitted and combined into new or existing PLD and PED systems to provide improved functionality and enhanced capability. Components include:*Oxygen-compatible substrate heaters for epitaxial oxide film depositions..*Automated Target Carousels for preparing multilayer heterostructures.*Deposition chambers design specifically for PLD and PED systems.*Manual and automated laser window-change Accessories.*Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) sources for laser transparent materials.*Ideal for retrofitting existing systems or construction of new systems.