Falmouth Scientific, Inc.
Customers around the globe rely on Falmouth Scientific sensors and instruments to provide accurate oceanographic measurement systems for a variety of applications. The FSI customer list includes domestic and foreign government agencies, the US Navy, oil and gas corporations, geological surveyors, major oceanographic academic institutions, and many others.
- 1-508-564-7640
- 1-508-564-7643
- 1400 Route 28A,
PO Box 315
Cataumet,, MA 02534-0315,
United States
ACM-PLUS Family of High-Accuracy Current, Wave, & Tide Measurement Instruments and Systems
Transducer is a tonpilz piston source approximately 1/2 wavelength in diameter at the center of its operating frequency range and is designed with an industry standard mounting hole pattern through4-corner integral mounts which allows support for both new and existing vessel array configurations.
Location Devices
Flash Pinger is a small battery powered acoustic transmitter as well as an optical flashing recovery device. Multiple settings allow for selection of flashing, timing, and frequency options for use in a variety of different applications.