ETAP Enterprise
ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis platform for the design, simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems.
- (800) 477-ETAP
(949) 462-0100 - (949) 462-0200
- 17 Goodyear, Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618-1812
United States
Electrical SCADA Monitoring
Model-driven SCADA & Monitoring provides an intuitive real-time visualization and analyses platform via intelligent graphical user interface, one-line diagram, geospatial view, and digital dashboards.
Electric Shock Protection Analysis
60364-4-41 StandardBS 7671 StandardEN 50122 StandardTN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT & IT Earthing TypesElectric shock requirementsLoop impedance and current calculationTouch voltage calculation and evaluationCalculation considers resistance to ground / earthGround Fault Current Interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) or Residual Current Detector (RCD) protectionReports in Crystal Reports and MS Excel
Ground Grid Systems
The Ground Grid systems module enables engineers to quickly and accurately design and analyze ground protection. Flexible design methodologies allow for quick auto-designed layouts or very detailed schemes. Color-coded graphical plots provide impressive results.
Load Shedding System
An advanced smart load preservation solution must dynamically determine the optimal system response to a variety of system changes and disturbances. Utilizing model-driven foundation with embedded predictive analytics, and optimization algorithms, ETAP's adaptive Intelligent Load Shedding (ILS) solution makes Faster than Real-Time decisions.
Network Analysis
Network analysis includes a powerful set of analytical tools that allow for simulation, prediction, design and planning of system behavior utilizing an intelligent one-line diagram and the flexibility of a multi-dimensional database.
Switching Management
A Switching sequence management plan may be configured for automatic transfer of bus loads on double-ended bus configurations thus replacing the step-by-step method of switching for double-ended bus configurations that require manual bus load transfer.
System Grounding & Earthing Analysis
ETAP's system grounding & earthing foundation automatically detects the system earthing configuration based on source and transformer grounding or earthing type selection. The resulting earthing types are displayed both on the one line diagram and for the various connected cables.
Renewable Energy
ETAP's Renewable Energy offering enables designers and engineers to conceptualize the collector systems, determine wind and PV solar penetration and perform grid interconnection studies.
Energy Management System
This intelligent energy management software control system is designed to reduce energy consumption, improve the utilization of the system, increase reliability, predict electrical system performance, and optimize energy usage to reduce cost.
Arc Flash Analysis
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis allows you to identify and analyze high risk arc flash areas in your electrical system, and it also allows simulation of several different methods used by engineers to mitigate high incident energy.
DC Systems
DC system modules provide analysis capabilities for engineers to design and maintain direct current electrical networks.
Monitoring & Simulation
ETAP Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS) is at the heart of the ETAP Real-Time power management system. Power System Monitoring & Simulation is the smart choice for both small and large electrical utility systems, generation plants, industrial sites, manufacturing facilities, and off-shore oil platforms.
Dynamics & Transients Analysis Software
Dynamics & Transient analysis software enables engineers to simulate sequence of events including power system disturbances and evaluate system stability by utilizing an accurate power system dynamic model.