HighFinesse GmbH
Our mission is to provide innovative laser systems, » precision electronics and » high precision optical measuring equipment for scientific applications and for industrial research and development.
- +49 (0)7071 96 85 15
- +49 (0)7071 96 85 17
- Auf der Morgenstelle 14
Tübingen, 72076
Linewidth Analyzer
The HighFinesse Linewidth Analyzer (LWA) is a specialized high-end device for measuring and analyzing the spectral shape of various laser sources.
Spectrometer - OSA
HighFinesse optical spectrometers LSA and HDSA are designed to analyse the multi-line or broadband spectrum of (un-)known light sources like cw and pulsed lasers, gas discharge lamps, super luminescence diodes, semiconductor laser diodes and LEDs. They are suitable to analyze the spectrum of telecom signals, resolve Fabry-Perot modes of a gain chip, and produce a spectral measurement of gas absorption.
Precision Current Sources
HighFinesse Precision Current Sources have been developed for experiments and quantum technologies in the areas of cold-atom and solid state physics. The linearly regulated BCS (Bipolar Current Source) and UCS (Unipolar Current Source) series deliver highly stable, low noise source currents for high precision magnetic field control. The current output is floating or is on a used defined potential. Ultrafast response to control signals and trigger functions, clear grounding, connection and signal isolation schemes make the integration of the current sources into complex experimental systems easy.
Wavelength Meter
HighFinesse/Ångstrom offers sensitive and compact wavelength meters with a large spectral range for high speed measurement of lasers. The optical unit consists of temperature-controlled Fizeau-based interferometers that are read out by photodiode arrays. The high absolute accuracy is achieved by use of solid state, non-moving optics.
Calibration Sources
Up to an absolute accuracy of 60 MHz standard HighFinesse Wavelength Meters feature auto-calibration by integrated calibration sources. This way highest accuracy and stability of measurements with our wavemeters is guaranteed.