DIgSILENT StationWare provides you with a central protection settings database and management system to calculate and optimize settings, to manage the various control parameters and to analyze the reasons for mal-operation.
- +49-7072-9168-0
- +49-7072-9168-88
- mail@digsilent.de
- Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 9
Gomaringen, 72810
Economical Solution, as Data Handling, Modelling Capabilities
DIgSILENT has set standards and trends in power system modelling, analysis and simulation for more than 25 years. The proven advantages of the PowerFactory software are its overall functional integration, its applicability to the modelling of generation-, transmission-, distribution- and industrial grids, and the analysis of these grids' interactions. With PowerFactory Version 14, DIgSILENT presents a further step towards seamless integration of functionality and data management within a multi-user environment.
Multi-Functional Dynamic System Monitor
The PowerFactory Monitor (PFM) is multi-functional Dynamic System Monitor which fully integrates with DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The PFM features grid and plant monitoring, fault recording, grid characteristics analysis by offering easy access to recorded data, analysis of trends, verification of system upset responses and test results.
Connect Generators to the Grid
DIgSILENT has developed a new verification tool called DIgSILENT GridCode. The software has been designed in response to the need to verify whether a conventional or renewable power plant is compliant with local Grid Code interconnection requirements on basis of generating unit tests. There is a new trend towards verification of requirements at the point of interconnection of a power plant using transient stability simulations with numerical models. An increasing number of Transmission System Operators are including model validation methods to quantify the risk and uncertainty when using these simulation models in stability studies. These new methods have been included in the DIgSILENT GridCode tool.