Metrolab Technology SA
Metrolab Technology SA is the global market leader for precision magnetometers, used to measure high-intensity magnetic fields to a very high degree of precision. Over the past 35 years, we have won the trust of MRI manufacturers and physics laboratories across the world, such as General Electric, Philips, and Siemens Magnet Technology, as well as all major physics laboratories such as the European center CERN, Fermilab in the USA, and KEK in Japan. Our products include: • Three-axis Hall Magnetometers: ultra-compact and easy-to-use instruments to measure and map all three components of a field • Precision Digital Integrators: high precision fluxmeters to measure or map complicated fields • NMR Precision Magnetometers: the gold standard for magnetometers • NMR Magnetic Field Cameras: the accepted method to map whole-body MRI magnets • Calibration magnets: compact permanent magnets featuring a large opening, high field uniformity, and temperature compensation.
- 41 (22) 884 33 11
- 41 (22) 884 33 10
- 110 ch du pont du Centenaire
Plan les Ouates, Geneva CH-1228
Fast Digital Integrator
The Fast Digital Integrator FDI2056 is the world's fastest and most sensitive voltage integrator. Simply plug in a sense coil and measure fast, low-level magnetic field disturbances such as eddy currents in a switched magnet.Equipped with a high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), high-resolution clock, and highly optimized digital integrator, the FDI2056 boasts a maximum of 500 000 partial integrals per second and provides resolutions down to 10-14 Vs with an accuracy of 10 ppm. Magnetometer Fluxmeter
Magnetic Field Camera: mapping for MRI applications
MRI and NMR spectroscopy applications require a highly uniform magnetic field, within at most a few ppm. NMR is the only magnetic measurement technique capable of providing a field map with that degree of precision. Introduced 25 years ago, Metrolab’s NMR Magnetic Field Cameras have revolutionized field mapping for MRI magnets. They reduced acquisition times from hours to minutes, positioning errors to fractions of a millimeter, and they rendered human and drift errors negligible. Now, meet the latest generation NMR Magnetic Field Camera, the MFC2046! Map any magnet with the New generation of MFC probe arrays. Magnetometer Teslameter Gaussmeter
NMR Precision Teslameter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the most precise technology to measure magnetic fields, and the PT2026 is the most precise NMR magnetometer on the market. In optimal conditions, it achieves a precision of under ten parts per billion! But precision is just one of the features brought by the PT2026: high fields, robustness to inhomogeneous fields, 33 Hz measurement speed, improved search time – the list goes on. The key is an instrument design, using modern RF and computer technology. The result is an NMR magnetometer that opens up a host of new application areas. Magnetometer Gaussmeter
Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer
The Three-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM1186 is a member of Metrolab's THM1176 family of 3-axis handheld magnetometers. It is a lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere fluxgate magnetometer. Outstanding noise characteristics make fluxgate magnetometers the instrument of choice for measuring minute disturbances in the local magnetic field, for example due to an iron mass or AC power-line noise. The TFM1186 has a range of ±100 µT and a resolution of 4 nT. The TFM1186 simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument has been reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into your PC or into a battery-powered handheld computer. 3-axis Teslameter Gaussmeter
Three-axis Hall Magnetometer
The THM1176 family combines the performance of a professional Hall instrument with the usability of a consumer USB device. Its range goes from the µT to 14 T, DC to 1 kHz, with ±1% accuracy. It simultaneously measures all three axes of the magnetic field, so you get a true field strength reading no matter how you hold the probe. The entire instrument has been reduced to a cable with a few fat spots, which can plug directly into your PC or into a battery-powered handheld computer. The result is the most compact, lightweight, low-power, go-anywhere and measure-anything magnetometer in the world. Teslameter Gaussmeter 3-axis
NMR Permanent Magnet
A secondary field reference for NMR testing and Hall teslameters calibration.