MeterTest Ltd.
MeterTest Sp. z o.o. company is the fastest developing company acting within the scope of manufacturing advanced metering systems for energy industry. Since 2005 we dynamically expand our sales network that currently is almost all continents wide. We are partner ready to converse, oriented to individual customer and his needs. Our goal is to achieve their highest quality standards and accessibility for your convenience.
- 48 74 856 63 92
- +48 74 637 97 42
- Licznikowa Street 13
58-100, Swidnica
Separating Transformers
Is a transformer in which the primary and secondary windings are galvanically/electri- cally separated with basic insulation. Isolating transformer: A separating transformer with a protective partition between the primary and secondary windings.
Control Software
AsTest control software is designed to enable the calibration and verification of energy meters on the ASTeL meter test equipment. Built-in features permit efficient service of various types of meters, as well as advanced data management. The parametrical libraries within AsTest software minimize the need to create new definitions. Assorted data visualizations provide notification of current system events on an ongoing basis. Intuitive graphic design and user friendly visualization of the testing processes makes working with AsTest control software straightforward.
Three-Phase Meter Test Equipment
ASTeL 3.2 meter test equipment is a fully automatic system that enables simultaneous, multi-position calibration and verification of three-phase electric energy meters. ASTeL 3.2 offers full compatibility with IEC 60736. Thanks to excellent parameters, superior functionality and outstanding flexibility, ASTeL 3.2 is an ideal solution for utility companies, energy meter manufacturers, governmental institutes of metrology, metrological laboratories, and other customers interested in electricity meters testing.
Single-Phase Meter Test Equipment
ASTeL 1.2 meter test equipment is a fully automatic system that enables simultaneous, multi-position calibration and verification of single-phase electric energy meters. ASTeL 1.2 offers full compatibility with IEC 60736. Thanks to excellent parameters, superior functionality and outstanding flexibility, ASTeL 1.2 is an ideal solution for utility companies, energy meter manufacturers, governmental institutes of metrology, metrological laboratories, and other customers interested in electricity meters testing.
Three Phase Power Sources
The PS3 three phase power source was designed to provide a stable alternating current and voltage source for three phase electricity meter test equipment.
Current Integrated Sources
The CIS current integrated source was designed to provide a stable alternating current source for the electricity meter test equipment, and in laboratories. The output current is isolated and independent from the mains voltage. Different CIS versions are available depending upon the values of output power and output current required.
Voltage Integrated Sources
The VIS voltage integrated source was designed to be used as a stable alternating voltage source for electricity meter test equipment, and in laboratories. The output voltage is isolated and independent of mains voltage. VIS is available in a variety of configurations depending on the values of output power and output voltage.