RKR Designs LLC
The ALPHA brand originated at Ehrhorn Technological Operations (ETO) in 1971. Over the years the ALPHA division has been owned by a variety of different interests, while persistently maintain a reputation for powerful, durable, high performance amateur radio amplifiers.
- 844-73-4-HAMS
303-716-7728 - 719-428-1919
- service@alpharfsystems.com
- 634 South Sunset St.
Longmont, Colorado 80501
United States
Wattmeter with 160M to 6M Coverage Our Wattmeters can measure from 200 milliwatts to 5 kilowatts, from 160 meters to 6 meters with no slugs.
Fully automatic, legal limit plus headroom amplifierAlpha’s low-drive, tube amplifier design delivers the cleanest possible signalOperates on all Amateur Radio Bands 160M thru 10MSingle, easy to find, inexpensive 3CX1500A7 8877 type tubeInternal, automatic 4 port antenna switch capable of combining any 2 antenna portsAlpha’s Legendary service and support4 year limited warranty on hardware, 1 year on tube1500W, 100% duty cycle, no time limitation, key down foreverRugged construction built to last
Automatic Antenna Tuner
Automatic Antenna Tuner has not been released for full Beta testing and production yet as we are solving some firmware issues. We cannot give you a date nor estimate at this time when full production will commence.
Dummy Load
Dummy load is capable of dissipating four times the legal limit 6 kW for 2 minutes and legal limit 1500 watts key down, forever. It covers the 160 meter to 6 meter bands (actually 1 Mhz-60 MHz continuously). It is a dry dummy load intended for testing amplifiers and station conditions. Two fans on the rear of the unit are automatically turned on when the internal temperature reaches 120°F/49°C . The unit runs off a universal AC supply. Simple to operate and use, the dummy load includes an RF sample output of -60 dBc.