Circutor, sa
We develope integral solutions for energy efficiency that we can apply to a wide range of sectors: generation, industry, tertiary and domestic. We are presents from start to finish.
- (+34) 93 745 29 00
- (+34) 93 745 29 14
- Vial Sant Jordi s/n
Viladecavalls, Barcelona 08232
Digital Instruments and Measuring Transducers
Digital instrumentation devices are installed to display an electrical or process variable, for rapid monitoring and management, normally in industrial settings. This information can be used to detect any alarm that may be triggered by a control value, informing in real time of any malfunction in an industrial, machinery or control system process. The data is shown numerically, and is proportional to the measured parameter and can be integrated into SCADA systems, as long as they have integrated communications.
Control Devices
Solutions for monitoring and recording any value you wish to manage (electricity, water, gas consumption, temperatures, flow rates, pressures, units produced, etc.), either through communications or through pulse logger systems. The control system family contains the LINE solution to create a comprehensive energy management systems (SGEi), LM pulse loggers and MDC controllers to avoid surcharges in the electric bill by preventing the contracted capacity in electrical installations from being exceeded.
Current Transformers And Shunts
Current transformers allow the different measuring devices to provide reliable and traceable data on the trends involving consumption and production processes in electrical installations. Especially designed to be installed quickly, easily and securely, meeting the most demanding expectations of today's market, covering a wide range of primary currents as well as multiple secondary outputs, both for AC and DC measurement.
Capacitors And Reactors, LV
Wide range of cylindrical and prismatic capacitors for power factor correction in 50 or 60 Hz networks. Models with Heavy Duty system to ensure enhanced performance in extreme environments. Reactors are required to protect capacitors in installations with a high presence of harmonics, maintaining their characteristics and useful life without affecting their operation.
Analogue Instruments
Devices for installation in control, command and distribution panels. A needle on a gauge allows users to quickly interpret the electrical parameters. Analogue devices provide for fast, visual management, without having to interpret the data in order to determine the status of the installation.
Fixed Power Analyzers
Network analyzers are devices that are essential for measuring electrical parameters and controlling industrial processes. They provide the user relevant, real-time information for managing energy consumption and checking the quality of supply and consumption in their installation. They offer multiple communication options, inputs and outputs to manage any alarm that may appear in the installation, and provide analyses and reports on the performance of their network.
Portable Power Analyzers
Portable network analyzers are essential for conducting energy audits as well as for reviewing the quality of the power supplied and the consumption in electrical installations. They provide for real-time recording and monitoring of electrical parameters, anywhere in an electrical installation, for the conduct of energy improvement studies, as well as for the detection of problems related to the quality of supply and consumption.
Residual Current Protection
Solutions to ensure the safety of people and installations against any ground currents. Available with ultra-immunized system as an essential solution to avoid financial losses due to outages caused by inadvertent trips. Specially designed to protect industrial installations in AC networks (type A), installations with both AC and DC components and DC-only installations (type B). Available with RS-485 communications (Modbus RTU) and remote control inputs/outputs.
Low Voltage Capacitor Banks
Wide range of capacitor banks to correct the power factor in low-voltage electrical installations, for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz networks. Avoid surcharges on the electric bill and improve the capacity of the installation.