Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
We specialize in affordable optical solutions. Our focus is on providing cost-effective tools for characterizing various parameters such as thin film thickness, thick coating thickness, wafer thickness, gap thickness, optical properties (refractive index N and extinction coefficient K), surface behavior, interface behavior, alloy concentrations, and their uniformities across surfaces.
- 1 (978) 263-6678
- 1 (978) 263-6675
- 31 Nagog Park
Acton,, MA 01720
United States
TFProbe Software
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
TFProbe software integrates system configuration, setup, data acquisition, regression analysis, data management and graph presentations all-in-one. Different user levels can be configured, like engineer mode, operator mode. TFProbe software can also be customized to have new functions to meet customer's special applications.
Spectroscopic Reflectometer
SR Series
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Spectroscopic reflectometer (SR) tools are relative low cost and easy to use. To ensure accurate measurement on spectra, a long working distance and also adjustable working distance set up are professionally designed and considered. Since reflection spectra measurements require to use known reference to calibrate light intensity, it is hard to image that user could get accurate spectra without optimizing signal during such calibration because reference thickness is different from sample substrate's thickness in most of cases. Adjusting power output to lamp is our another consideration in ensuring a good measurement by reducing non-linearity effect of the detector.
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Although table-top version is our major product platform, we do provide in-line and in situ solutions. Although all in-line tools involve some special configuration and customized designs, we have had such experience to demo our capability in semiconductor, photovoltaic, glass industries. Both spectroscopic ellipsometer and spectroscopic reflectometers could be integrated for in-line or in situ application purpose. But how to implement them, or which one is more suitable, an environmental situation should be considered. You are welcome to discuss with our experts and we'll be glad to offer a real solution to meet your needs.
DUV-VIS-NIR Light Source
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc Introduced high performance DUV-Vis-NIR light source for photometry and ellipsometry applications. This light source covers from 190 to 2500nm wavelength range, with capaility to remote control from computer program with TTL level signals. Dual lamp design offers balanced intensity output. Integrated timer provides conveneience to replace lamps per lamps' lifetime...
Film Thickness Mapping Systems
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Spectroscopic reflectometer mapping (SRM) tools are for industry or lab routine thin film uniformity measurement. This is relatively low cost and easy to use setup. Mapping size can be configured from 2" to 18" if needed. Dependent on film thickness range, a broad wavelength range can be configured within DUV, Vis and/or NIR range. A user-friendly software interface allows you to define various mapping patterns to map. A CCD array based detecting and data acquisition mechanism offers fast measurements. 2D/3D data presentation gives user option to quickly generate reports.
MSP Series
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Microspectrophotometer (MSP) is an advanced optical system. The key difference with typical low cost reflectometer is in its capability to characterize optical properties of thin films over a micron region area. With unique design by Angstrom's professionals, user can enjoy digital imaging capability in Microspectrophotometers (MSP series) by live video, powerful digital editing, measurement tools for reflection, transmission, absorption spectra. Data acquisition only takes milliseconds.
TFProbe Wafer Measurement Tools
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc offers optical measurement and inspection systems for semiconductor and related industries. Its core products include wafer measurement systems, spectroscopic ellipsometers, thin film reflectometers, and microspectrophotometers. TFProbe wafer measurement systems, TFProbe WM series, measure wafer thickness, warp, bow, flatness, step/bump height, trench depth. TFProbe WM systems are based on confocal optical method with advantages of non-contact, non-destructive, long working distance, fast data acquisition, full mapping functions. Particularly, with integration with our thin film measurement technique, a total solution for thickness measurement covers from a few angstroms to several millimeters. Another key feature is that all our tools are upgradable in future.
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
SE Series
Angstrom Sun Technologies, Inc.
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer SE series are advanced models built by Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc. Ellipsometry is a technique utilizing polarization state changes after light beam reacts with probing samples. A typical ellipsometer setup includes a light source, polarizing optics (like polarizer, analyzer, phase retarder or called as compensator), sample stage, detecting unit, incident angle change mechanism, computer and software for data acquisition and modeling. Not like reflectometer, ellipsometer parameters (Psi and Del) are always obtained at non normal incident angles. By varying incident angle. many more data sets can be obtained which will be helpful in refining model, reducing uncertainty and improving user's confidence on model's output. Therefore, variable angle ellipsometer is far more powerful than fixed angle ellipsometers. Furthermore, by utilizing broadband light source, spectroscopic data over a wavelength range with many wavelength points can be obtained and thus measurement precision and accuracy for optical properties can be greatly improved. The measurement speed for spectroscopic data has been overcome by implementing an advanced detector array so thousands of data can be acquired simultaneously. With such configuration and capable of collecting more data sets, the complicated layer stacks could be analyzed with powerful functions built within software.