Accolade Engineering Solutions
A supplier of innovative engineering services for the electronics industry. Specializing in new product support, flying probe, test equipment development, reliability engineering, failure analysis, and screening process development.
- 949-597-TEST (8378
949-230-5738 - 949-597-8308
- 15520 Rockfield Blvd
Suite H
Irvine, CA 92618
United States
Electrical Testing
Accolade Engineering Solutions
Accolade Engineering Solutions offers a variety of Electrical Testing Applications services. Contact us today to discuss your testing needs with someone who can provide you with the expert knowledge to determine the right testing solution for you.
Chemical Testing
Accolade Engineering Solutions
To ensure product environmental compliance or to gain better understanding of your materials or processes, chemical testing is often required. AES has state of the art the equipment for chemical analysis. For elemental analysis XRF, SEM/EDS or ICP can be used. For molecular analysis GCMS, HPLC and FTIR may be used. FTIR may also be used for surface analysis of contamination and our microFTIR system is suitable for the smallest samples.
Thermal/Mechanical Testing
Accolade Engineering Solutions
As new products employ advanced materials and processes, the need to measure and characterize those material properties becomes increasingly important. DSC is used to measure heat flow in to or out of a material. Some DSC applications include measurement of melting temperature, polymorphic transitions, crystallization temperature, thermal stability, heat of fusion and degree of cure. TMA is used to measure dimensional changes of a material as a function of temperature.