Castle Group Ltd.
Castle Group provide environmental measuring and monitoring products and services including noise, vibration, air quality, gas detection and many other parameters such as temperature, light and humidity.
- 44 (0)1723 584250
- 44 (0)1723 583728
- Salter Road, Scarborough Business Park
Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO11 3UZ
United Kingdom
Noise Assessment System For Noise At Work
This Noise Assessment System for Noise at Work provides you with everything you need to perform assessments to The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, at an incredible price.
Vibration Condition Monitoring
Vibration Condition Monitoring is a predictive maintenance method that allows for early detection of problems with vibration. The techniques of Vibration Condition Monitoring share a common objective of indicating early signs of deterioration or malfunction in machinery. It also helps to reduce failures in your workplace as well as increasing your safety and machine performance.
Vibration Exposure Timers
EU Directives and the UK Regulations specify specific daily exposure limits, which can be translated into the HSE's Exposure Points. Points are determined quantifying the Vibration Level of tools and the Time that operators are exposed to the vibration, named Exposure Time.
VibA(8) Whole-Body Vibration System
This system is designed with ease of use and compliance in mind, making your Whole Body Vibration Assessments as simple as possible. Add a HAVS sensor at any point and make your assessments even easier.
Hand Arm Vibration Meters
Castle are leading manufacturers in Hand Arm Vibration Meters dedicated for carrying out assessments to The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations (2005). Within this category you will find all Castle's Vibration Monitoring Equipment for monitoring Hand Arm Vibration. Certain instruments are also designed to monitor Whole Body Vibration.
VibA(8) Hand-Arm And Whole-Body Vibration System
The all NEW VibA(8) from Castle Group Ltd takes Hand Arm & Whole Body Vibration measurement to a whole new level! Ultra-simple to use and dedicated to compliance with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, the VibA(8) delivers the ultimate practical solution to quantifying the vibration level of tools on your site.
Environmental Vibration
The monitoring of environmental and ground vibration is required because vibration can cause both damage to local structures and distress to nearby residents. There are many sources of environmental vibration where monitoring is required, common sources are Civil Engineering Works, Quarrying and Blasting, Construction Sites and road works.
VibA(8) Hand-Arm Vibration System
Ultra-simple and dedicated to compliance of the Vibration at Work Regulations 2005, this is the perfect option for your Hand-Arm Vibration measurements with the added benefit of being able to add a Whole-Body Seat Pad at any time further down the line.
VibA(8) Hand-Arm & Whole-Body Vibration System
This is the ultimate practical solution when it comes to quantifying the vibration level of your tools on your site. This system includes everything you need to measure for both Hand-Arm and Whole-Body Vibrations.
Noise Activated Warning Signs
Signs within the workplace that warn of high noise levels are common place as they help ensure that employees, visitors and the public are aware and, if required, wearing ear protectors. This type of signage is ideal when noise levels are stable and consistent.
Vexo Vibration Meter
Vexo Tri-Axial Vibration Meter to perform Vibration Measurements for Hand Arm Vibration
Environmental Noise Monitors
Noise is one of the most complained about aspects of the environment, as not only does it have the potential to affect quality of life, it can also be difficult to monitor and therefore control. This type of noise is generally called environmental noise. There are many man-made sources of environmental noise, such as wind turbines, industrial sites, roads and traffic etc. If you are looking for equipment to measure noise in the workplace, look at sound level meters.
Acoustic Calibrators
When you're ready to take noise measurements, it's strongly recommended that you perform a field calibration using an Acoustic Calibrator. You should calibrate your sound meter before you start to measure, and then once you've finished you should perform a reference check against the calibrator and make note of any drift that has occured. You can find out more about performing Field Calibrators by reading this post and watching a short video.
Environmental Noise Monitoring System
This is the ultimate solution to environmental noise monitoring. The LIVE comes equipped with a modem that connects directly to our Castle Cloud software allowing you to monitor your results from the comfort of your own desk. Combine this with the ability to customise your power supplies and you will see why this is the ultimate solution for environmental noise monitoring.
Environmental Noise Monitoring System
The POWER version of the E-Box is designed with endurance in mind. You are able to customise your power supply and even add Solar Panels for long-term measurements, so you can rest assured this E-Box gives you the POWER you need to perform!