IT'IS Foundation
The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS) is the premier, independent, nonprofit research foundation dedicated to improving and advancing the quality of people’s lives. The Foundation was established in 1999 through the initiative and support of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), the global wireless communications industry, and several governmental agencies.
- +41 44 245 96 96
- +41 44 245 96 99
- Zeughausstrasse 43
Zurich, CH-8004
EMF Exposure Test
Tests radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposures from mobile communication devices operating in the 900 MHz region (additional frequencies upon request). The setup is based on two Crawford TEM cells that are blindly excited by a fully computer-controlled signal unit.
Exposure Systems
sX series
Exposure systems are equipment or systems designed for the assessment of, for example, health risk, efficacy of therapies or mechanisms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields. The systems designed by the IT''IS Foundation are the sX series, where sX stands for "System for eXposure" with options for cells (c), vertebrates (v), and humans (h).