Atico Export
Atico Export is a leading Science Lab Equipment Manufacturer, biology lab equipment manufacturer, chemical engineering suppliers, and Laboratory Equipment Supplier which offers a vital range of all kinds of scientific lab appliances. We are the most prominent manufacturer of all varieties of High School and Middle School Lab Instruments. Clients, who are looking for High School Science Experiment Kits, they are welcome to contact us. Being a best Science Lab Equipment Manufacturer, we provide all the necessary apparatus and high school science kits for different experiments. Atico has also cornered the international market being a Science Lab Equipment Suppliers and manufacturers.
- 0171-400-4736
- #5309 Atico House
Grain Market
Ambala Cantt, 133001
Analog Tensile Testing Machine
It can test materials like rubber, wood, plastic, rexins, teflon, cardboard, composites, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals etc.Wide range of Grips, Attachments & Special fixtures are available to suit varieties of material and shapes. Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.Continuous roll autographic Load Vs Elongation recorder.Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.Elongation scale with least count 1 mm.Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.Three measuring ranges more -
Digital Impact Test Machine
The Digital Impact Testing Machine mainly used to determine the anti-impact capability and strengthen impact toughness of non metallic materials such as nylon, glass fiber reinforced plastic, ceramic & cast stone, electrical insulating materials etc.Sample and support are easy centeringThe pendulum of the machine can be raised or released automatically by button pressedDigital LCD screen control and value displayThe machine comply with GB / T1843, ISO 180, GB / T21189, GB / T2611 and other international standard
Servo-Pneumatic Asphalt Testing System
All signal conditioning, as well as high-speed data acquisition and control functions are done by the unit and graphically interfaced through CATS, windows based software running on a standard PC. The system is capable of performing the full spectrum of HMA tests: dynamic complex modulus, flow number, flow time, indirect tension, beam flexural fatigue and resilient modulus. These tests are done with the appropriate testing modules. The different testing modules can be obtained after the initial system acquisition at the same discounted price. In addition, guarantees system upgrades in order to meet future standards .
Resilient Modulus and Asphalt Testing System
The Resilient Modulus software features built and test sequences, and the capability to specify user defined sequences. Contact stress is automatically adjusted according to the above procedures as selected. Available waveforms include haver sine, sine, square and triangular, along with a user defined waveform selection. Optional peak & valley compensation ensures proper and quick matching of the load parameters. Real time displays of the prescribed versus actual dynamic load or the dynamic more -
Plate Load Test Apparatus
These test machine isused to estimate the bearing capacity of a soil under field loading conditions for a specific loading plate and depth of embedment (ASTM) , and also for load tests of soil and flexible pavement components in evaluation and design of airport and highway pavements . We propose a complete range of plate load testing equipment conforming to the different standards.
Pendulum Impact Testing Machine
Direct indication of impact energy absorbed by specimen on large diameterAvailable with safety guard for the operatorInitial potential energy for Charpy is 300 Joules & for Izod is 170 Joules with a L.C. of 2 Joules (for Analogueodels) & resolution of 0.5 Joules (for Digital Model)Pendulum drop angle for Charpy is 140° & for Izod is 90°ASTM Impact Testing machine is also supplied, which conforms to E-23 ASTM standarAvailable with Gauges, Tongs, Sub-zero bath, Templates, U & V-Notch milling cutter (Optional)
Impact Testing Machine (Izod & Charpy)
Suitable for Charpy & Izod Impact tests on different materials. It is based on Pendulum principle.Rigid designs of instrument frame & other parts assure minimum energy absorption during fracture which results in improved test accuracies.The highly strained & wearing parts like support blocks & strikers are of special alloy steels duly heat treated.Direct indication of Impact energy absorbed by sample on large dial -Safety guard for the user is provided.Initial potential energy more -
Automatic Asphalt Content Tester
4000g sample capacity, integrated +0.1gm accuracy weighing scale, High temperature ceramic filtration system and afterburner for accurate measurement of bitumen content in asphalt mixes. Automatic operation through user defined automatic end point detection and 24 hour start timer. User defined control of furnace chamber temperature from 200 – 650oC, Digital display and printing of test data through bright LED displays and integrated printer, Software activated mechanical door lock to prevent door from opening during test process and cutting off power from the heating elements upon opening the door. Operates on Single Phase, 220V, 50 Hz, 20 Amp and consumes less than 5000 W.
Tensile Testing Machine
High accuracy of ±1%Three measuring ranges for accurate testing.Easy in operation and maintenance.Incorporate high level technology.Highly Accurate and precise.Modular designAffordableSafe and reliable
Universal Testing Machine
A Universal Testing machine, also known as universal tester, materials testing machine, is used to test the tensile strength and compressive strength of materials. It is named after the fact that it can perform many standard tensile and compression tests on materials, components and structures. Along with these, there are many more capabilities of this testing machine. There are variety of terms in the industry that are used to refer to a UTM. Most common are “tensile tester”, “compression tester” and “bend tester”. An earlier name for a tensile testing machine is a Tensometer. It is used to play out the numerous tractable pressure and compressive quality of materials or parts.
Spring Testing Machine
This machine is designed to test laminated springs and coil springs. The test is held under laminated springs and coil springs. The Cabinet comprises of the hydraulic unit, the hand wheel of the pump and the release valve handles are outside the cabinet for easy operation. This compact base carrier two fixed upright and four horizontal plates. The first and the third plates with two small uprights from an adjustable frame. The second and the fourth plates are fixed. A square threaded wheel arrangements provided for adjusting the height of the springs.
Torsion Testing Machine
Unique ‘TALCON-CLAW’ Grips for Round and Flat SpecimensTorsional Speed of 0.1/0.2 RPMTorque Compensated MotorsMaintenance Free Gear Box Auto Range Selection with Range Selector Wheel (Optional)3 or 4 Torque Ranges for Higher Accuracy (Optional)Load-unload Capability Variable Speed Drive (Optional)
Tensile Strength Tester
Capacity of Tester with accuracy of 100g : 250 Kgf. and 500 Kgf.Capacity of Tester with accuracy of 10g : 20 Kgf, 50 Kgf and 100 KgfS Type Load Cell fixed with Top GripTraverse Speed: 300 & 100mm /min.Grip Separation: 1000 mmGrip Separation: 25 mmTop Grip is fixed and Bottom Grip is Movable Type.Elongation measurement by Steel Scale and Digital Counter Meter Both.Digital Display of Load and Elongation.Peak value of last test can be read.User friendly key panel with switch of zero setting more -
Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Tester
The Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Tester is used to test submerged, compacted Hot Mix or Warm Mix Asphalt specimens as per standard.The device consists of a reciprocating wheel that is rolled over the specimens while measuring the rate of permanent deformation. A constant load of 705 N ±4.5 N is applied to the specimens with a sinusoidal wheel speed of 1 ft/sec in a constant temperature controlled water bath up to 70 °C (± 1.0 °C). An LVDT jig is used for continuous measurement of permanent more