Elvatech Ltd.
Elvatech Ltd. is an R&D enterprise based in Kiev, Ukraine. Since 1991 it has been engaged in scientific instrument-making specializing in design and manufacture of electronic, vacuum, and spectrometric equipment, automated data collection and processing systems, and analytical software. It's products are used in industrial, research and academic laboratories worldwide.
- (+380 44) 599-11-43
- (+380 44) 406-65-83
- office@elvatech.com
- 50 Mashinobudivna str.,
Kiev, 03680
Portable EDXRF Analyzer
ElvaX Mobile
ElvaX Mobile is a portable EDXRF analyzer for testing all kinds of materials. Sampling tray as in a benchtop instrument allows for convenient placement of x-cells. High resolution SDD detector and the absence of collimators ensure high count rate, which is crucial for quick detection of trace elements.
Geo Analyzer
ElvaX Geo
Instant on-site elemental analysis is one of the necessities of the modern mining industry. ElvaX Geo offers you accurate data and ease of operation during geo exploration or quality assurance. The instrument is designed specifically for long non-stop convenient operation. The unique 800 mm2 analytical spot analysis increases averaging of inhomogeneous samples. A composite pole helps you keep a comfortable body position during operation and enables you to analyze hard-toreach places. This form factor allows for uninterrupted measurement during slow walking while measurement results are communicated to the operator through headphones. ElvaX Geo is operated through a PDA in a protective enclosure, which can be put underneath outer garment in case of extreme climatic conditions. The Li-Ion Battery can be hidden as well. ElvaX Geo software uses both the Fundamental Parameters and the Empirical Calibration Methods. Fundamental parameters analysis of unknown samples without empirical calibration is remarkably accurate. However every instrument is calibrated for the basic mineral types with NIST or NIST traceable samples. ElvaX Geo demonstrates excellent limits of detection and repeatability.
Handheld XRF Analyzer
ProSpector II
ElvaX ProSpector is a powerful handheld analyzer employing the latest developments in XRF analysis. Due to the advanced electronics and state-of-the-art mathematical algorithms ProSpector provides ultimate quality of measurement within a couple of seconds. It is an intuitive and user friendly instrument for highly accurate elemental analysis in a variety of applications.