Magtrol Inc.
For over 50 years, Magtrol Inc and Magtrol SA have been providing customers with high-quality products to test, measure and control torque-speed-power, load-force-weight, tension and displacement. Magtrol Inc, which is headquartered in the USA, is a leading manufacturer of motor test equipment and hysteresis brakes and clutches
- 1-716-668-5555
- 1-716-668-8705
- 70 Gardenville Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14224
United States
Dynamometer Power Supply
DES Series
The DES 310 and DES 311 power supplies are suited to the entire range of Magtrol's Eddy-Current and Powder Brake Dynamometers. To avoid any disruption of the surrounding electronic modules, the DES 310 / DES 311 supplies are fitted in an industrial housing made of extruded cast aluminum. This housing must be installed directly on the test bench, as near to the dynamometer as possible.
Power Amplifier
The Model 5241 is a voltage-controlled power amplifier designed exclusively for Magtrol's Model HD-825 Hysteresis Dynamometer. Because of its double braking system, the HD-825 requires more than 4 amps of power in order to reach full torque. The 5241 (which can provide up to 5 amps of output current) is necessary in order to amplify the power between a 6200 or DSP6001 Controller (which both have a maximum current output of 1 amp) and the HD-825 Dynamometer.
Powder Brake Dynamometers
PB Series
The Powder Brake Dynamometer (PB Series) contains, as its name suggests, a magnetic powder. The electrical current passing through the coil generates a magnetic field, which changes the property of the powder, thus producing a smooth braking torque through friction. They are ideal for applications operating in the low to middle speed range or when operating in the middle to high torque range. Like Hysteresis Brakes, Powder Brakes provide full torque at zero speed. Like the Eddy-Current Brake Dynamometers, the PB series are water-cooled, allowing for power ratings up to 48 kW. The PB Dynamometers have accuracy ratings of 0.3% to 0.5% full scale ( 2% for PB 2.7), depending on size and system configuration. Additional mounting possibilities include speed pickup and OEM version IS.
Hysteresis Dynamometers
HD Series
16 Standard Models with Maximum Torque from 2.5 ozin to 500 lbin (18 mNm to 56.5 Nm)Hysteresis Braking System: Provides precise torque loading independent of shaft speedMotor Testing from No Load to Locked RotorAccuracy: 0.25% to 0.5% (Full Scale)Air Flow Sensor: For protection against overheating and operator errorStandard Torque Units: English, Metric and SIBase Plate: Available in long or short versionsCustom Dynamometers: for special torque and speed requirementsEasy Calibration
Custom Motor Test Systems
Magtrol's Customized Motor Test Systems (CMTS) are PC-based, turnkey systems custom designed and built to meet your specific motor testing requirements. By integrating Magtrol's motor test equipment with power supplies, adaptable fixtures, custom tables/cabinets, printers, etc., Magtrol's engineering team can customize PC-based, turnkey systems and modular test benches for almost any motor test application.
Load Monitoring Units (LMUs)
Magtrol's Load Monitoring Units are used for measuring load, force and weight from signals generated by strain gauge transducers. Specifically designed for use with Magtrol's Load Measuring Pins and Load-Force-Weight Sensors, the LMU Series provides excitation voltage while conditioning the bridge output signal. Each unit contains DIP-switches and jumpers for greater flexibility and complete adaptability
Load Measuring Pins
Magtrol Load Measuring Pins are temperature-compensated transducers used to measure load and force and provide overload protection. The pins are mounted into machines in place of normal shafts and fitted with strain gauges, allowing them to produce a signal proportional to the measured load.
Dial Weight Dynamometers
The most important characteristic of any measurement instrument is repeatability and accuracy. The Magtrol Dial Weight Dynamometer uses the combination of a Hysteresis Brake and gravity to insure constant, reliable results. The brake torque rise is directly proportional to applied current
Micro Dyne System
With over 50 years' experience in dynamometer design and torque measurement, Magtrol has revolutionized the industry. Magtrol's NEW Micro Dyne, capable of measuring extremely low torques (2.0 mNm can be resolved to 0.0004 mNm), is DESIGNED EXCLUSIVELY for testing miniature and micro motors.For the utmost convenience, the Micro Dyne is packaged as a COMPLETE MOTOR TESTING SYSTEM. Everything that is needed to accurately and efficiently test miniature motors and micro motors is included with the purchase of a Magtrol Micro Dyne. The only component that needs to be supplied by the customer is a laptop or desktop personal computer and a motor power supply.
Power Supply
The Model 5200 is a basic unregulated power supply that is designed for use with Magtrol's Hysteresis Brakes and Clutches. The 5200 is available in either 12, 24 or 90 VDC voltages, corresponding to the available hysteresis brake/clutch coil voltage options. Braking control is enabled via a 10-turn potentiometer and adjustment knob located on the front panel.
Cogging Test System
Magtrol’s Cogging Test System is a stand-alone test system designed to control and measure Detent Torque, Cogging Torque and Friction Torque. The test System includes a precision geared motor, a TS Series Torque Sensor integrating a 5 000 pulses encoder. CTS 100 to CTS 102 have a built-in security clutches to avoid system overload by mishandling when not in use. The geared motor drives the MUT (Motor Under Test) at a low speed from 1 to 10 rpm (respectively 8 rpm for CTS 103 and CTS 104), while acquiring its cogging torque related to angle position.
4 Quadrant Dynamometer Test System
Magtrol’s 4 quadrant motorized dynamometers provides expanded testing flexibility over a typical braking dynamometer. With the ability to bring the motor under test (MUT) to synchronous RPM before beginning a test, repeatability is improved. Since the motor windings are at ambient temperature before starting a ramp test, wattage is more consistent.
Testing Electric Pump Motors
This Custom Motor Test System is designed for the testing of 5 different sized electric motors used in various sump, utility, sewage, well, pool and pond pumps. All of the components mentioned above are mounted on a versatile table that can be easily reconfigured and retrofitted to any Magtrol dynamometer.
Testing Aerospace Motors
Magtrol designed this Custom Motor Test System for the testing of various aerospace motors for both commercial and military applications.
Testing Wiper Motors
Magtrol developed two automatic testing benches for front wiper motors, rear wiper motors (pendulum with measure of angle) and ABS motors (excenter). The test setup is equipped to handle torque ratings from 3 to 50 Nm and a speed range of 0 to 10,000 rpm