Accelonix BV
Test and measurement solutions in the area of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and RF. Rapidly the company became a market leader in this field. In January 2000 Accelonix BV has become, by accession to the Accelonix Group, also a solutions provider for many types of test applications in electronic production and development environments.
- +31-40-7501651
- +31-40-2930722
- Luchthavenweg 18b
Eindhoven, 5657 EB
Automotive EMC test systems
Dozens of manufacturer's and other automotive immunity standards with their roots in ISO 7637 continue to evolve bringing new challenges to users of conducted immunity testing. Teseq continues to advance the state of the art, bringing simple, flexible solutions for the challenging and fast-changing requirements that are 42 V ready.Teseq has been at the forefront of the pioneering work to establish EMC tests for motor vehicle electronics. Automotive manufacturers and suppliers worldwide have come to trust test systems from Teseq. Active involvement in the standardization committees ensures that the latest advances are continously reflected in our test systems.