OptoTherm, Inc.
Optotherm Inc. is an electrical/electronic manufacturing company based out of United States. We are committed to developing and producing infrared test and measurement tools that optimize price and function, transparently educating our industries, and providing quality support to our customers.
- +1 724-940-7600 ext 101
- +1 724-940-7611
- sales@optotherm.com
- 2591 Wexford-Bayne Rd
Suite 304
Sewickley, PA 15143
United States
Thermal Image Analysis Software
Thermalyze software provides a stable platform from which to perform sophisticated temperature analysis and failure analysis testing. Tools such as Emissivity Tables allow you to perform true temperature mapping on the surface with varying emissivity. Lock-in thermography tests enable you to detect heating below 0.001°C.
Thermalyze Extension for Steady State Analysis
Steady-state thermography is limited to detecting hot spots that heat up a minimum of 100 mK (0.100°C). This may be useful for locating shorts on high-power devices, but is inadequate for detecting low power defects such as semiconductor device leakage current or short circuit with very low or very high resistance. Steady-state thermography also suffers from poor spatial resolution as the heat from localized hot spots diffuses rapidly, blurring the location of the heat source.
Electronics Failure Analysis System
Due to the continued decrease in integrated circuit feature size and supply voltages, detecting and locating the miniscule amount of heat generated by failure sites has become increasingly difficult. Sentris pinpoints low-level infrared thermal emissions from IC faults such as short circuits and leakage current.