CMG is a Toronto based geophysical research and development company focused on commercialisation of mobile gravimeters for use in petroleum and mineral exploration.
- +1(905) 727-8886
- 9 Allaura Blvd, Unit 1,
Aurora, ON L4G 3N2
Airborne Gravimeter
The very large dynamic range provides high precision data even in turbulent flying conditions; data is acquired through short periods of saturation in extreme turbulence by the automatic application of a reduced order Kalman filter, enabling platform misalignment to be computed and hence controlled; the automatic calibration program computes accelerometer scale factors and errors in perpendicularity between the accelerometer sensitive axis and the platform surface. The GT-2A installation in a fixed wing aircraft is shown in Fig 1 (courtesy of Excalibur).
Airborne Gravimeter
The GT-1A airborne gravimeter brings proven design and fully automatic operation to mobile scalar gravity measurement. Intelligent Platform Control combined with continuously recorded wide dynamic range allows the collection of high quality data through periods of turbulence. Proprietary software provides on-side delta-g values for post-flight evaluation.
Marine Gravimeter
The GT-2M marine gravimeter brings proven design and fully automatic operation to marine gravity measurement. Intelligent Platform Control and 4 programmable filters running simultaneously allow the collection of high quality data on vessels of any size through periods of high sea states. Proprietary software provides real-time relative free-air gravity values at a selectable recording rate for continuous data evaluation.