Eddyfi NDT Inc.
Eddyfi focuses on offering high-performance, advanced eddy current and electromagnetic solutions for the inspection of critical components and assets. We develop the industry’s best performing and most reliable test instruments, acquisition and analysis software, as well as standard and—more importantly—specialized surface array and tubing probes. Our mission is to push the limits of electromagnetic testing to new heights. We are compelled to innovate and attempt solving a new sets of industry problems.
- 418-780-1565
- 418-780-2354
- 3425 Pierre-Ardouin Street
Québec, QC G1P 0B3
Custom Probes
At Eddyfi, we strive to meet the most rigorous requirements. Our expertise, engineers, and manufacturing capabilities enable us to take almost any set of custom inspection requirements — dimensions, diameters, geometries, number of coil rows, topologies — and turn them into practical and high-performance solutions for you.
Data Acquisition and Analysis Software
Eddyfi® Magnifi® is a constantly evolving, integrated electromagnetic inspection data acquisition and analysis software. It boasts an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) suited to modern devices, powerful reporting functions and data management, as well as simple inspection configurations.
Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC)
Lyft is a high-performance solution reinventing pulsed eddy current (PEC). The patent-pending Eddyfi® solution features:
Surface Probes
Eddyfi offers a variety of mechanical designs to suit your ECA surface inspection requirements, ensuring high-quality results.
2D/3D TubeMapping, DataManagement,and Reporting Software
TubePro is the state-of-the-art fruit of ISS’ over 30 years of experience in developing thermal, mechanical and inspection software applications for the petrochemical and power generation industries.