Struck Innovative Systeme
Our core business is Board Level Electronics. The combination of Field Programmable Gate arrays, state of the art broadband conversion products and integrated circuits from leading suppliers enable us to supply you with commercial off the shelf yet customizable solutions. Our product range covers high speed -high resolution- digitizers, interfaces and digital I/O boards.
- 49 (0)40 60 87 305
- 49 (0)40 60 87 305 20
- Harksheider Str. 102A
22399, Hamburg
PCI Express Optical Link Board
The SIS1100-e2 is the follow up card to our SIS1100-eCMC board (without CMC carrier functionality). It was developed to extend the lify cycle of our PCIe to VME interface. For software/driver compatibility reasons we still employ the PEX8311 PCI Express to local bus bridge chip.
PCI Express to VME interface
Single width 6U VME master/system controllerred ball, 1/2/4 GBit/s optical link, red ball, up to 450 m link distance, red ball 128 MBytes memory (PPC Ethernet or VME slave)
PCI Express to VME Interface
The SIS1100-e2/SIS3104-2 interface/bus coupler is the choice for demanding VME readout applications. VME block tranfser speeds up to 160 MByte/s are readily accomplished in conjunction with state of the art VME slave hardware.
USB2.0 to VME interface
The SIS3150-USB is a high performance USB to VME interface. Connected to a USB2.0 port it supports block transfer speeds in excess of 30 MByte/s. USB1.1 operation is supported also. With the TigerSHARC DSP option it is perfectly suited for hard realtime applications.
USB 3.0 and Ethernet to VME Interface
The SIS3153 is the successor to our SIS3150 USB2.0 to VME interface.
VME sequencer
PCI Express and Ethernet to VME interfaceThe SIS3104 is the successor to the SIS3100 board.
VME Sequencer
The SIS3100 was developed as the VME side of our PCI to VME interface. The module is however perfectly suited for other custom applications like a histogramming multiscaler for LIDAR or a generic DSP controlled VME histogrammer .
VME Sequencer PCI Express to VME Interface
The SIS3104-2 is the Artix-7 based successor to the SIS3104 board. It is backward compatible to the SIS3100/SIS3104 standard models and can be used as a drop in replacement. With two Gigabit/s link firmware transfer rates in excess of 160 MByte/s are possible im combination with the SIS1100-e2 single lane PCI Express card.
10-Bit VME Digitizer
8 channel 6U VME digitizer/transient recorder with a sampling rate of up to 5 GS/s (for the individual channel) and 10-bit resolution. The board has a width of one VME slot (4TE).
12-Bit PCI Express ADC/Digitizer
The SIS1350 is our first PC add on digitizer card. It was developed for high repetition rate acquisition of short analog signals (i.e. up to 128 µs at 500 MSPS) with good resolution
12-Bit PCI Express ADC/Digitizer
The SIS1350-2 is the follow up unit to the SIS1350 digitizer card. It was developed for high repetition rate acquisition of short analog signals (i.e. up to 128 µs at 500 MSPS) with good resolution.
14-Bit PCI Express Digitizer
The SIS1160-SFMC01 is the combination of the SIS1160 carrier with the SFMC01 2 channel 2.5 GSPS 14-bit digitizer FMC.
16 Channel VME Digitizers
With the SIS3316 you have the option to use an Ethernet SFP or an optical SFP medium to implement non VME readout.
4 Channel 500 MS/s 12-bit ADC/Digitizer
4 channel 6U VME digitizer/transient recorder with a sampling rate of up to 500 MS/s (for the individual channel) and 12-bit resolution. The board has a width of one VME slot (4TE). The boards multi event and readout in parallel to acquisition functionality make the card the choice for many demanding digitizer applications.
8 Channel 100 MHz 12-bit ADC
The SIS3300 is an 8 channel 6U VME digitizer/transient recorder with a sampling rate of up to 105 MHz (for the individual channel) and 12-bit resolution. The board has a width of one VME slot (4TE). The boards multi event and dual memory bank functionality make the card the choice for many demanding digitizer applications.