Vidyut Yantra Udyog
Established in the year 1974 ‘Vidyut Yantra Udyog’ are one of the predominant manufacturer & supplier of a wide gamut of Microwave Components and Instruments.
- (+91)-8373902652
- +(91)-(1232)-242826
- Gali No.-2, Gurudwara Road
Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh 201204
Microwave Antennas
We are engaged as leading Microwave Antenna manufacturers andexporter of a wide range of Microwave Waveguide Antenna, Waveguide Antenna, Parabolic Microwave Antenna, Conical Microwave Antenna and Pyramidal Microwave Antenna.
Waveguide Probes
We are a leading Manufacturer & Exporter of Waveguide Probes such as Tunable Probe and Waveguide Matched from India.
Gunn Oscillators
Gunn Oscillators are solid state microwave energy generators. These consists of waveguide cavity flanged on one end and micrometer driven plunger fitted on the other end. A gunn-doid is mounted inside the waveguide with BNC Connector for D.C. Bias.
Microwave Training Kits
Microwave radiations are mono-chromatic, Plane Polarised and Coherent and they behave like waves. Many laboratory experiments in optics can be performed easily with simple microwave equipments, Reflection, Refraction and polarization including to prove Bragg''s Law can be performed with this microwave Diffraction Spectrometer.